Help 2nd grow starting out bad need help

If I'm doing scrog when should I flip it to 12/12 I'm not topping this time figure out this stretch for these genetics....all seems to be getting better hitting them with the deliuted nutes....I will keep ya up dated.....I know people go by trichomes but I harvested when th hairs were 20% trichs seems cloudy but I only have a 30x magnifier I think I needed togo a lot longer only yielded 38g but I did no lst or hst it was 6 ft tall I'm hoping to get atleast 8oz from this...I understand the principal of light dispersment and lst its huge if your not doing that I said a persn is only getting 1/5 of there true potential!!!!


Active Member
If it were me, I would flip the lights to 12/12 after about 6-8 weeks of veg. I find that you getting a 6ft plant without topping or lst is pretty good. If you top and or scrog or lst you can definitely maximize your yield. Also a lot of people go by the maturity of the trichomes. Usually when they have a mushroom shape and are an amber color is when they are mature. Although in some cases your trichomes cam mature early and your bud could still have white hairs. I would say wait until your trichs are a nice amber and your hairs are full color. I could be wrong, but hey I am only one person with an opinion. I would research around and get a couple more decisions before making a definite decision.
Oh I have everyone tells it different story but I guess you just gotta figure this out yourself to really know it....but yeah iseriously had a christmas tree I vegged for 30 days and it almost grew out of my closet....I only have 8 sq. Ft. To deal with and I have 4 plants!!!


Active Member
only 30 days and that tall, damn. I wish I could say my plant would do the same, but I only have 4 feet max of grow room for height. I plan on getting to very bushy plants. Which is why I plan on super cropping. Yeah and everyone will tell a different story. You really do have to figure it out for yourself and experiment a little with it. I just hope for your sake you don't end up harvesting too early or too late.


Active Member
Well there should be a thread about super cropping in the general marijuana growing section. There is a video that shows you how to do it. Or you could just type in super cropping into the search bar.
I checked it out I think I will just top it when it hits the 4th ill still get a bushy I think everything will be just fine indeed I also started 5 other seedling that I will keep in my veg room under two 20" so everything should be fine I'm also going to put a plant outside this year maybe 5 just lesses the odds of all being found and ruined by nature so I'm kinda excited....would a scrog outside yield good ya think


Active Member
A scrog outside. Well I don't know. That all depends on you. Personally if I were to grow a plant outside. I would just let it grow naturally.