HELP!! 1st time soil grower needs your attention! flowering during veg stage?!?!?

For the last 2 or 3 years I've been saving seeds from the chron bags i'd get and ended up having 12 seeds but they all came from chron. so I thought i'd grow em.

Everythings freakin wonderful their doing great only this is whats up..

I've had them under 18/6 hours of light for the first couple weeks then switched it to 24/0. So its on all the time. um well they are flowering and I don't know why considering the light schedule.

They are a little over a month and a half old and have started showing their sex maybe 2 weeks ago. The first females I found I figured might have been Auto Flowering but all of them??? I do get my erb from one fellow so maybe thats all he has is auto flowering buds.

What do you guys and gals think?


It looks as though you shocked the plants by having them on an 18/6 cycle. You should have started with 24 on then switched to the 18/6 when they were stronger. If they are flowering, just switch them to 12/12 and watch them work. You might have to be careful, there may be a few hermaphrodites in your crop and you want to make sure to take those out. Are you sure they are flowering or are they just preflowering? As soon as they see darkness and cold, they think it is their "fall" which means they are ready to flower. 24 on is the summer and 12/12 is fall.