help!! 1st time grow from bag seed


ok well this is my first grow from ak47 bag seed. iam, growing in my closet, iam growing under 2 42 watt cfls, my grow medium is peat moss and perlite. they are about 8 days old, and there first set of real leaves the tips are turning yellow brownish and seem to be dying i have been using distilled water no nutes i water every 3-4 days or when ever the top of the soil gets dry please help you can also email me


Well-Known Member
ok well this is my first grow from ak47 bag seed. iam, growing in my closet, iam growing under 2 42 watt cfls, my grow medium is peat moss and perlite. they are about 8 days old, and there first set of real leaves the tips are turning yellow brownish and seem to be dying i have been using distilled water no nutes i water every 3-4 days or when ever the top of the soil gets dry please help you can also email me
How often are you watering?

What are the temperatures?

Is there enough air flow?

Can't help you if you don't give enough information!