Help 1st Grow! What Kind of Deficiency is this "HD Pics Included"

Are you using veg nutes still? If so that's good! Most flowering nutes don't contain nearly enough N and you can have some rapid yellowing in the beginning of flower. You are about to enter "the stretch". This is probably the time when the plant is growing the most. Rapid growth and lack of N in nutes will almost always cause N deficiencies. Your pics are very yellow from your lights but it looks like you are having some yellowing starting to make its way up the plant? It's very possible you are under feeding or your nutes don't contain enough N for your plants. A flush might still be a good idea so it rules out the possibility of salt buildup or some sort of imbalance. When you start feeding again I would keep giving the veg nutes for a couple of weeks into flowering and once they are a good, healthy green color, switch over to the flowering nutes.:weed:
hmm ya last time i used the veg nutes still didnt make the choice what ill be using for flower stage.. some suggestions maybe? im still confused


Well-Known Member
hmm ya last time i used the veg nutes still didnt make the choice what ill be using for flower stage.. some suggestions maybe? im still confused
You've got some time yet. Anything with a higher P and some N and higher K will do the trick. Dyna-Gro makes some quality and relatively affordable nutes. They are the most complete 1 part nute on the market. I've had great results with their nutes in pro-mix.:weed:
Ok so i flushed her 2day gonna wait n see what hapens if it getting worse ill try epsom salt , im gonna give some feedback soon!
Ok Quick update the flush stopped the yellowing a bit . I bought canna terra flora , cannazym , rhizotonic and pk 13/14. So i made a mix today for a try .. I followed the reciepe : 20 ml terra vega , 3 ml rhizotonic , 10 ml cannazym and 1/4 tbs of epsom salts! I gave it 1L of the mix we'll see what Will happen !! I just Heard good things about canna so .. Any comments are welcome!


Well-Known Member
Haven't used Canna but it sounds like you have a handle on it..or at least have enough time to see if this works...hope your plants become monsters bro..I'll keep my eye on this journal.
Even with def problems she took 6 inches in a week!!! Buds start to show ... Im crossing fingers that everything Goes fine till end !!!! :-)


Well-Known Member
Eh I think you should be squared away at this point..just watch her for awhile and see how she long is your flower period?