Help 1st Grow! What Kind of Deficiency is this "HD Pics Included"

hi, the title says it all its all going green like that on bottom leaves some went all crispy and rusty, some have brown dots and some young new leaves have yellow dots on em, its 6th week veg,pro mix soil, 400hps with good ventilation temps are 79 lights up 68 at night, im using 1/2 strength Pure blend pro from botanicare.. i did some research i think its a cal mag def but want an opinion from you guys.. if you need more info just ask..



Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The yellowing & necrotic leaf margins are caused by Potassium deficiency. There could be other issues contributing to the problems but that appears to be the main one. Slight N def can make the yellowing at the margins move inward, causing more all-over leaf yellowing. The irregularity of some of the necrotic patches could be from slight Phosphorus def.


Well-Known Member
looks too me like too much nutes also looks like your over watering your pic that your holding the leaves are way too big looks too be caused by over water let the soil dry out do the finger test and finger the soil an inch or so in the dirt, you want it too be little to no dampness to it
So do you think im under fertilizing? cause its supposed to have all NPK needed.. im using tap water its around ph 7.2 and i get it everytime at 6.3-6.5 with ph-


Well-Known Member
The yellowing & necrotic leaf margins are caused by Potassium deficiency. There could be other issues contributing to the problems but that appears to be the main one. Slight N def can make the yellowing at the margins move inward, causing more all-over leaf yellowing. The irregularity of some of the necrotic patches could be from slight Phosphorus def.

^^^^This info is great also read this and I think you'll come to the same conclusion as mothers

Damn you posted right before me LOL...all that being said I think you should go full bore with your nutes..esp if your in week 6 veg...IF your worried about over fert then go back to half when you flower..HTH

PS try using an EC meter and talking to Snow Crash..he'll give you some great info
Im stressed person thats why i bite my nails lol even weed dont get me calm enough.. i dont think im overfertilizing because i always give only half strength .. and its only happening on bottom leaves.. and i dont over water .. i wait 4-5 days before water ..only when my pot is very light .... They wilt like that at night but get back normal after the first light hour

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
So do you think im under fertilizing? cause its supposed to have all NPK needed..
The NPK is a listing of how much Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium that fertilizer is made up of, in percentages. A 10-10-10 fertilizer is made up of 10% N, 10% P, 10% K and 70% other stuff, before mixing with water. Different strains have different nutritional requirements, larger plants of course use much more food than smaller plants, and also the amount of light the plants receive changes how much food they use. No product can be said to give the plants all the NPK that they need because how much they need changes with all these factors. A fertilizer mix may have the perfect NPK for your strain in either flowering or veg but the concentration the plants need increases with plant size and light amount.

Your fertilizer there should help, just use more of it than you have been. Also keep in mind that most of the leaf damage won't heal. The only real way to know that the problem is fixed is to see that it doesn't get worse.
ya man thanks a lot next time i water i will add more nutes to see... i know damaged leaves wont recover thats why i cut them off :-(

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Can you post a picture of the whole plant?

Often on my own grows the lower leaves die off. It really isn't anything to trip about, or to start treating for a problem when there isn't one.


In this picture you can see what I'm talking about. Sometimes, the damage is done, and the plant is perfectly healthy despite a single sick leaf at the base of the plant.

These leaves are the furthest distance from the light and when the plant is in immediate need of some element it cannot uptake enough of these leaves are cannibalized. To think you need that 3-bladed leaf from start to finish to indicate a healthy plant is to focus your energy in the wrong places.

I think you should follow the directions on the PBP at about 2/3rd to 3/4 strength, your plant is probably due for more food anyway now that it is older, but don't go treating an issue you might not actually have based on the diagnosis of just a handful of the bottommost leaves.

A full photo of your plant would make it much easier to determine if there is a nutritional imbalance whatever the cause. Personally, I think your plant is fine. Mine do this shit sometimes when I let the media get dry for just a touch too long. Maybe that'd explain it. A one time "woops" which could only be compounded into a larger issue if you start to overfeed.
Can you post a picture of the whole plant?

Often on my own grows the lower leaves die off. It really isn't anything to trip about, or to start treating for a problem when there isn't one.

View attachment 1556293

In this picture you can see what I'm talking about. Sometimes, the damage is done, and the plant is perfectly healthy despite a single sick leaf at the base of the plant.

These leaves are the furthest distance from the light and when the plant is in immediate need of some element it cannot uptake enough of these leaves are cannibalized. To think you need that 3-bladed leaf from start to finish to indicate a healthy plant is to focus your energy in the wrong places.

I think you should follow the directions on the PBP at about 2/3rd to 3/4 strength, your plant is probably due for more food anyway now that it is older, but don't go treating an issue you might not actually have based on the diagnosis of just a handful of the bottommost leaves.

A full photo of your plant would make it much easier to determine if there is a nutritional imbalance whatever the cause. Personally, I think your plant is fine. Mine do this shit sometimes when I let the media get dry for just a touch too long. Maybe that'd explain it. A one time "woops" which could only be compounded into a larger issue if you start to overfeed.
I would Say its more like that

All perfect green like that but like i said i have some yellow dots on new leaves and dying crispy color yellow like that on the bottom everything started this week and i already cut at least 6 leaves on the bottom since`


Well-Known Member
STOP CUTTING LEAVES....sorry to use caps but this is bad bad mistake that I am very guilty of myself on my first grow...your right in your knowledge that the leaves will not heal...however, if you cut that many off it's going to stress the plant out..just let nature do it's thing (unless the leaf(s) are completely crispy of course) and let the them fall off.
ok guys its been a week now. since i added more nutes and it got worst.. the 1/4 bottom plant is yellow with the tips crispy brown..alot of new leaves died on bottom so what do i do now?? Help


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I think it'd be a good time to rinse the soil and get some pH data. If you had an EC meter that'd be fantastic but it's okay without one.

At first, I thought burn. The way the leaf edge is burned up and necrotic screams salt buildup. The yellowing of the plant though indicates more of a nutrient deficiency and in some ways, that necrosis looks like phosphorus deficiency. This is unlikely given the stage of growth despite the recent root expansion in that planter.

Address the salt issue first, ensure the pH is dialed, and ride it out another 3-4 days. If it is progressing still at that point then I think we talk about upping the PK and Mag ratios a little bit to balance out the npk profile.

Another question. How dry does your media get between waterings?


Well-Known Member
u not sure doc111??
It's tough to ever be 100% certain on anything like this but I'm thinking you've probably at the very least got a salt buildup or some sort of mineral imbalance. A flush wouldn't hurt anything, just make sure you follow the flush with a mild nute solution. Some people do the flush with the mild nute solution but this seems like kind of a waste to me. Best of luck my friend.:weed:
I think it'd be a good time to rinse the soil and get some pH data. If you had an EC meter that'd be fantastic but it's okay without one.

At first, I thought burn. The way the leaf edge is burned up and necrotic screams salt buildup. The yellowing of the plant though indicates more of a nutrient deficiency and in some ways, that necrosis looks like phosphorus deficiency. This is unlikely given the stage of growth despite the recent root expansion in that planter.

Address the salt issue first, ensure the pH is dialed, and ride it out another 3-4 days. If it is progressing still at that point then I think we talk about upping the PK and Mag ratios a little bit to balance out the npk profile.

Another question. How dry does your media get between waterings?
I water/feed every 5-6 days when the media is very light almost desertic lol

sorry what do you mean by ''ensure the pH is dialed''.??


Well-Known Member
I water/feed every 5-6 days when the media is very light almost desertic lol

sorry what do you mean by ''ensure the pH is dialed''.??
I think he just means make sure the soil's pH is good. What kind of soil are you using? Sorry if you've answered this already.:eyesmoke:

EDIT: I saw you are using Pro-Mix. It's a soilless medium but comes pH adjusted so you should be fine. It can be very difficult to adjust the medium's pH after you are already growing in it. In hydro with an inert growing medium like hydroton or plain old perlite your nute solution IS essentially the growing medium so simply pH adjusting your reservoir and keeping it in range is all that's necessary. Not the case with soil/soilless.
I did check my run off pH once and it was at 6.2 so i dont think it was the problem

I dont know if it could help in some way but i switched to flower 12/12 4 days ago


Well-Known Member
I did check my run off pH once and it was at 6.2 so i dont think it was the problem

I dont know if it could help in some way but i switched to flower 12/12 4 days ago
Are you using veg nutes still? If so that's good! Most flowering nutes don't contain nearly enough N and you can have some rapid yellowing in the beginning of flower. You are about to enter "the stretch". This is probably the time when the plant is growing the most. Rapid growth and lack of N in nutes will almost always cause N deficiencies. Your pics are very yellow from your lights but it looks like you are having some yellowing starting to make its way up the plant? It's very possible you are under feeding or your nutes don't contain enough N for your plants. A flush might still be a good idea so it rules out the possibility of salt buildup or some sort of imbalance. When you start feeding again I would keep giving the veg nutes for a couple of weeks into flowering and once they are a good, healthy green color, switch over to the flowering nutes.:weed: