Help! 1)What bug is this? 2) Keep or toss plants?


Hi all!

First post here about my first grow. Thanks for taking the time to read!

1) I noticed a bug on one of my cloth pots and want to know what it is. I've included a picture from far, a close up as well as another of my thumb on the pot for scale. Also, I found some white stuff under a leaf; however, it might be diatomaceous earth that got on the top of many leaves previously and has lingered from when I attacked the fungus gnats.

Pictures are included here:


2) Should I toss the plants?


I'm 5 weeks into 3 crop king auto dwarf low fliers (flowering) and 3 weeks into a plant of the same strain (veg), all from seed. All 4 plants are in 2 gallon pots. 3 flowering plants should theoretically be done in mid May and the other at the end of May. Using an ikea vuku tent as I want to start slow and cheap rather than sink a tonne of $ to find out I suck at growing and am stuck with expensive equipment. Seen other people use it. Using two fans and leaving the door sufficiently open to allow for ventinllation. So this is like a 'test grow' (which I appear to be failing at miserably lol) HLG 100 V2 Led light, organic soil, Gaia Green Bloom Nutes for the oldest 3 plants. I've used it once so far as per instructions.

Without going into excruciating detail: Problems other than the mystery bug include: 1) Holes in leaves that appear to be bites from potentially larger bugs than the one in the picture possibly? I've seen a stink bug or 2 in prior winters in the attic room where I've set the grow in, so maybe it's them? 2) I've overwatered the plants. The fungus gnats have been dealt with via proper watering and neem oil; however, it looks like root rot is slowly but steadily creeping in..So I might ditch it all and start over...or not..?

Included are pictures of the 4 plants:

My friend has lent me a tent to potentially use which would hopefully protect the plants from larger creepy crawlies (i.e., possibly stink bugs?); however, if the bug I've spotted is a spider mite or something else that'll fuck up his tent, I don't want to use it! This is all provided I don't just toss the poor plants out rather than watch them die a slow death before harvest...

The tent:

Maybe I should just toss all the plants out to prevent further infestations inside the house regardless?

For instance, we are germinating some vegetable seeds for our outdoor vegetable garden a floor below and would hate to multiply stink bugs' populations (or other critters) as they appear to like munching of seedlings..aaaand to boot, maybe the medicinal plants are goners anyhow..


Maybe there is hope and the borrowed tent will help keep the big bugs out and the bug in the photo is not such a big deal..

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry if there's too much info or not enough in this post.
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It definitely looks like you have spider mites. Not good. Spider mites are members of the Acari family Tetranychidae, which includes about 1,200 species. They generally live on the undersides of leaves of plants, where they may spin protective silk webs, and they can cause damage by puncturing the plant cells to feed.
Spider mites are destructive little blighters, and they can reproduce rapidly under the right conditions, completely infesting a grow room in a matter of days. Best practice is to use a silicon addictive as part of your feeding to make your plant harder for them to damage, and use a product such as neem oil to inhibit an invasion in the first place. Keep your place clean, tidy, dust free, make sure any entry points for pests are covered correctly.

it’s completely down to you what action you should take, if it was me though I’d try and salvage them by getting rid of the pests. You can get special spider mite treatment, I just found some for £50 but that’s for 10Ls I’m sure you could get it cheaper?
Hi all!

First post here about my first grow. Thanks for taking the time to read!

1) I noticed a bug on one of my cloth pots and want to know what it is. I've included a picture from far, a close up as well as another of my thumb on the pot for scale. Also, I found some white stuff under a leaf; however, it might be diatomaceous earth that got on the top of many leaves previously and has lingered from when I attacked the fungus gnats.

Pictures are included here:


2) Should I toss the plants?


I'm 5 weeks into 3 crop king auto dwarf low fliers (flowering) and 3 weeks into a plant of the same strain (veg), all from seed. All 4 plants are in 2 gallon pots. 3 flowering plants should theoretically be done in mid May and the other at the end of May. Using an ikea vuku tent as I want to start slow and cheap rather than sink a tonne of $ to find out I suck at growing and am stuck with expensive equipment. Seen other people use it. Using two fans and leaving the door sufficiently open to allow for ventinllation. So this is like a 'test grow' (which I appear to be failing at miserably lol) HLG 100 V2 Led light, organic soil, Gaia Green Bloom Nutes for the oldest 3 plants. I've used it once so far as per instructions.

Without going into excruciating detail: Problems other than the mystery bug include: 1) Holes in leaves that appear to be bites from potentially larger bugs than the one in the picture possibly? I've seen a stink bug or 2 in prior winters in the attic room where I've set the grow in, so maybe it's them? 2) I've overwatered the plants. The fungus gnats have been dealt with via proper watering and neem oil; however, it looks like root rot is slowly but steadily creeping in..So I might ditch it all and start over...or not..?

Included are pictures of the 4 plants:

My friend has lent me a tent to potentially use which would hopefully protect the plants from larger creepy crawlies (i.e., possibly stink bugs?); however, if the bug I've spotted is a spider mite or something else that'll fuck up his tent, I don't want to use it! This is all provided I don't just toss the poor plants out rather than watch them die a slow death before harvest...

The tent:

Maybe I should just toss all the plants out to prevent further infestations inside the house regardless?

For instance, we are germinating some vegetable seeds for our outdoor vegetable garden a floor below and would hate to multiply stink bugs' populations (or other critters) as they appear to like munching of seedlings..aaaand to boot, maybe the medicinal plants are goners anyhow..


Maybe there is hope and the borrowed tent will help keep the big bugs out and the bug in the photo is not such a big deal..

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry if there's too much info or not enough in this post.

Chill. You dont gave spider mites. That is some sort of arachnid. Likely that spider eats other bugs. So no worry.

Spider mites are smaller than a grain of salt and often live on underside of leaves. That guy is big enough to easily see.
Not spider mites for sure you'd see thousands that's a nice little spider type fella. Leave him be prolly a good thing. I add a few ladybugs to my grows all the time they are easy to get and help you not worry about bugs plus they look pretty on a nice cola

the webbing under the leaf, is typical with spider mites? I don’t know, I apologise if I gave incorrect info but looking at it , to me it defo looked similar to a spider mite
All info is good just looks way to big for spider mites plus leaves don't really show it just my view. Keep a good eye on things though because spider mites can hurt ya in hrs
Looks like some sorta mildew, see how its on the petiole as well (where it extends up on the leaf part)?
the webbing under the leaf, is typical with spider mites? I don’t know, I apologise if I gave incorrect info but looking at it , to me it defo looked similar to a spider mite
Sorry to say...indeed that is not correct info.
May I suggest a simple search of different images of mite damage, webbing, etc. No ill intended.
If you zoom in on that one picture it's obvious that isn't webbing. It's likely the diatomaceous earth you used.
Well, I've stressed my poor Crop King Dwarf Low Fliers in numerous ways. This is my first grow...Here are several pictures from my 4 plants. Do they look like hermies to you? I only grew these 4. I don't care about having seedy buds in this case as they are 3 or 4 weeks from harvest (better than nothing); however, I am concerned about pollen getting inside the tent and messing up future grows-particularly as it's not my tent. ( a step up from my prior ikea Vuku tent which turns out might have been the least of my concerns) Also, I hear pollen has a tendency of spreading throughout the house. Is this true? Again, if they are hermies and it's recommended I toss them, can I salvage the buds in any way, like make an extract out of them? TIA for your comments.

Hard to tell op, pics are blurry when zooming in. I see pistil hairs protruding from the calyx, so I think you are good to go. There appears to be no browning of main pistils on buds, which can be an indicator of pollen/ hermie.
If you do find any starting, lightly spray pollen sac with water, spray your fingers, and pluck off, then lightly spray affected area again.
After harvest, do a COMPLETE clean of your tent and equipment. When you think its clean, clean it again, all of it.
Thanks for the input! Been monitoring the plants and it seems that it's just an expected number of calyces with pistils. These Crop King Seeds can sure take a beating and still maintain non-herm status!