Hellow to all members, also need help


New Member
Hi, This is Jessy, Thank you for this membership. I am over 60yrs old and have not touched weed for quite sometimes, at least 30 yrs. I am under prescribed opioid medication, for a while now, due to my back injury. But I am at the point of disliking the addictive nature of opioids and its down spiral effect on my body and brain. I am seeking medical marijuana as an alternative and am trying to quit the prescription opioid pain killer. since medical marijuana is still illegal in my state (what a bummer), I found an online seller called "Medicineman33" to supply me some of this magical medical drug. I know for sure how good and effective marijuana is without becoming hooked to it physically. I smoked it for 25 years (youth years) off and on without having any withdrawal whenever I did not want to touch it. My question is: does anyone here know this person/website? is it genuine and safe? hope not scamming people like myself and steal my money. Is he trustworthy? Thank you in advance for your help.


Well-Known Member
Ordering online is a crock of shit. Huge offense shipping mj in the mail. I would advise you to not order any.


Well-Known Member
if you have younger family members, like nieces or nephews you should ask em at like a family picnic or something, no way online...no dont even think about it. the pot you smoked 25 or 30 years ago is nothing compared to what they have today.....good luck in finding someone around you who you can confide in, it's the best way for you i think.
by the way ill be 61 in september, welcome and check out the other forums here like medical mj.....


New Member
thank you. under 4 once is class A misdemeanor, same as buying it on street. safer ordering online though.


New Member
if you have younger family members, like nieces or nephews you should ask em at like a family picnic or something, no way online...no dont even think about it. the pot you smoked 25 or 30 years ago is nothing compared to what they have today.....good luck in finding someone around you who you can confide in, it's the best way for you i think.
by the way ill be 61 in september, welcome and check out the other forums here like medical mj.....
Thank you for info and welcoming me. I rather not call upon relatives, specially the young ones. What about seeds?
growing it yourself is worse "illegal". I am not doing it for fun. I have medical condition. And if the dumb asses keep it illigal here I dont give a damn. They are dead wrong on this. cigarette and alcohol is legal here and kills people many ways. teenagers and underage readily get them. SO is the law right on this? No. That's why I don't give a damn what the law is on medical marijuana.

Nice Nuggs

New Member
STRONGLY disagree with purchasing on the internet... just don't do it. Seeds are one thing, would not even consider buying the kind-kind on-line.

Considered dropping in at one of the local pubs? I work on the road, and when I'm stuck looking for local kind bud, that is my method - works every time.

Good luck Jessy.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Hi Jessy.

I'd trust someone I've met in a Tavern more than I would someone I met on-line.

Any old Hippies in your neighbourhood? That might be a place to start.

Please don't start with "I'm looking for some weed." Something like "I wish I could find a pain-killer that isn't addictive" would be better.

Good luck.


New Member
thank you all for trying to help here. unfortunately I can't drink alcohol while under pain killer and certainly cant drive under influence. I dont drink boos period. for me to go to a local pub and snoop around to get some weed is kind of out of my league. So I guess I am out of luck. I know there are online seed banks but i haven't pursued it yet. Nirvana out of Holland could be one possibility? But again, growing it is another legal problem and takes so long and lots of expense.


Well-Known Member
well i think growing is not a good option for you in this case, you are right about the legal part and to be grown correctly you would have to spend time and money and it doen't sound like you're thrilled with the idea and so many things can go wrong if you don't do it right. It sounds like you've been on pain meds for a while, so just take your time to find a better option, that website sounds sketchy and sounds like a ripoff so please stay away from that. lemme google that name and see whats up.


New Member
Well its a long story. I injured my back during 20 yrs of 18 wheeler trucking, 48 states. 10 yrs ago I could not drive anymore due to fused lower back discs. You know what I mean if you have operated heavy trucks. It is quite bumpy. the ride is not any near regular car. and driving for 12hrs a day, minimum, will punish your back like nothing else. Finally I had to retire and seek pain management Doctors. After MRI they confirmed my back is in pretty bad shape. First I pursued injections. Very painful injecting in the spine. Operation was not an alternative since the 2 lowest discs had deteriorated badly and nothing could be done except injection and pain killer. I decided that I dont want injection anymore because of painful process and infection that almost killed me last time I did it. So I have been under pain killer for about 8yrs now (methadone and norco). The amount has been increased since then and this is why I am afraid of. I do not want to be depending on pain killer that is addictive and loses it's effect unless increased. I have been reading about marijuana indica part of it that has been developed specially for pain. so I am now ready for this new alternative.


New Member
I found a website called MOM hall of shame. it has list of MOM scammers. Pretty long list of theaves who have defrauded medical marijuana patients. I dont know if I am allowed here to post the website. You can Google it yourself.


Well-Known Member
well jessy i went to the medicineman33 site you mentioned and truthfully i dont know what to tell you. It says right there that their activity is illegal but they expect most of their packages to get through, just like i expect my seeds get through though they aren't legal either. If you absolutely don't want to approach anyone you know or any family and you really want to try medical mj then maybe you should try it....I still advise against it but I don't know everything thats for sure. the prices seem very very high. whatever you decide to do good luck and be careful.


Well-Known Member
Oh kindred spirit i also have a terrible back problem and I am about your age. Why not grow your own? It's easy. It's addictive and very rewarding to smoke what you've grown. Buying weed on line is not a good idea. Dont do it.
Im on meds too. Took perks for years and now I take methadone. No side effects, no buzz. It's been a life saver. Tramadol is a non opioid analgesic that also works pretty good. You can buy that on line. I did. But it's better and cheaper to get it from your doctor.
I don't get any pain relief from cannabis but some people do. For me it just amplifies the pain. It does make it easier for me to sleep however. Good luck.


New Member
Danny, I am thinking about it. Kind of scared though. My 6 yrs old grandson visits me from time to time and can't expose him to it. But I've been reading on here for a while and can see how easy is to grow it in your own and how rewarding it is. I envy you growers. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I'd stay away from ordering online...first off it is ILLEGAL and your likely to get caught! Second, BECAUSE its illegal, you wont be able to take any action if its a scam!! If you don't have a means to purchase it on the street start your own grow. I'm a newbie myself and have found it to be a most enjoyable "hobby"! Best of luck to you!!


New Member
slow, oh man, what a place. I am amazed but now more scared. I have tor but I can't believe not being watched by G man.
Thank you for info.