Hellou!! 600w or 400w i just dont know...


Well-Known Member
hellou guys, i just think wich one i pick..
400w or 600w HPS light in my grow room, coz my 250w hps dosent enought that space..

so i want grow at least 4-10 females, i grow different style strains, different times.. low ryders, white widow, NYCD, Purple bud, automatic AK47 and so on..

my growroom is about 2.3-2.5m deep, about 2m wide and 2.5m high (tall) only half of the room is grow area so there is always at least 4 to 10 plant of the time..

so grow are is 60-90inch lenght and 26-40inch wide
room is about 5 to 6 square meter im not sure it difficult to meature be cause there is tiny table and stand ( rack )

so i need to grow 4 to 15 plant of the time so wich one i choose 400w hps or 600 hps light for that :confused:

and wich one yu guys recomendet ??
or use and what kind result yu have been get 400w and 600w hps
i need answer and infromation with these hps systems 400 and 600w

thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
I got one hell of a deal on a bunch of 400w MH/HPS fixtures, so thats what I have, and its good. But if I had to go out and get new lights I'd go 600w no question. 2 or 3 600w lights gives alot more flexibility than 1 1000w in my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
in your case i would df say that you need at least 2 600s or 3 400 to get adequet light coverage.


Well-Known Member
well but the yu know if yu are consumin to grow 4 to 10 plant's and yu want grow only
20 to 40inch tall plants or lowryders... do i need so many lights ?? i think no..

be cause the gro area is only in that room no i can measur that i got dimension
so real grow are is 50inch lenght and 21inch wide... so its like 4 foot by 2 foot grow area.

and i do the count it like this if i had 600w hps light so its give (approx.) 90.000lumens out so 4 foot by 2 foot = 8 square feet
90.000 / 8 = 11250 lumens per square foot. so if the sun light in sunny day is 10.000 lumens per square foot.. i think that is good for 600whps realy good...
but if is get too hot so thats not good...

so 400w hps gives out like 50.000 lumens approx maybe 55.000 max
50.000 / 8 = 6250 lumens per square foot... thats enought... indeed... but i will buy thaht 600w if is not get too hot in that big grow area alone.... ??????????

i have there one 250w hps and one 250w MH light... but i need more red spectrum in there and thats the point is be cause i dont know thaht MH light model because its one of the Highway lamps ;) so i have to buy 400w or 600w hps there...

ideal thing is i like to grow like 4 to 7 females there... no less no more.... but in the start point i have to put 10 plants.. be cause i want to get females possible many...

and with those light what i got.. i have grow nice suceed 6 plant's one monster, one big ball and 3 tiny plants like 15 inch tall.. talle'st one was 3 tops and all tops was 42inch tall and it was 49inch wide plant...
and second i have to keep my electric bill possible low...
and third that room is difficult to stay cool.. because the walls is concret i cant do the holes in the wall's and there is only one air vent and in summer times i keep the door open.. but in winter time when here is like -70f to -95f minus -20 to -40 celsius
its easy to keep cool...

( and i mean i only buy one of those, not like im goig to buy both and get 1000w.. no way.. just one light and wich one it is.. i need infromation and infromation for heat thing and so on.. )
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Well-Known Member
600 digi and cooltube.no moms no clones??MAXIGROW do sog with the 600 and you wont have to worry about males where the hell does it get 70 below 0,i wanna go it was 105 here yesterday.
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Well-Known Member
what yu mean 600 digi and cool tube.. no moms ??? no clones ?? im not a dealer i need just my own weed.. i dont clone.. no time.. no hurry... no moms... just one year old sativa grow is comin.. i keep sativa and one indica and one indica/sativa plant in 6month and one of those 1 year in vege.. but 600 digi ?? digi time ?? :) lol

i know cool tube but it's so much eaxpensive than normal... and i got just couple of new nice 12inch fans...


Well-Known Member
Tommy;I have about the same size grow area and I use 400 watt HPS. I can flower 9-12 at a time.

ooh how bushy your plant are ?? can i see photos ?
and i think 600w is maybe, maybe my choice.. be coz thaht lumens what i count is like 11250 lumens per square foot and 400w lumens per square foot in 8 square feet is 6250 lumens...

but i need also to know be coz hole room is 4 to 6 square meter.. but grow area there is only 8 square feet...
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Well-Known Member
SOMEBEECH; the hell does it get 70 below 0,i wanna go it was 105 here yesterday.

in cold north at winter time, here can be -70f to -100f minus in winter...
;) and in summer time here is midnight sun and 70f to 95f plus


Well-Known Member
It gets 99f here during the day, and so far the central air handles temps just fine. Just where in the hell are you that it gets into the sub temps? THAT would suck, for sure. I went to college in minnesota, and I quit 3 years into a 4 year program because I saw 80 below one year. Mankind just wasn't designed for that kind of cold!!!! (Neither was Cannabis!!!)

Maxzimus, are ya growing in a closed closet, or is the room open to good air circulation? If you are growing in an enclosed area, heat will become an issue. I leave my room open in the day for good air circulation. Odor really isn't THAT big an issue here.
Yeah, for the price I am really happy with my 400w ers, but given the choice, 600w is the way to go IMHO. But depending on your budget, what you save on the light will most probably get spent on cooling, and ventilation. There are alot of trade-offs in this hobby. My hat is off and many props to those who use HID lighting in confined spaces. Larger spaces are easier to control.

In your position, I'd go with the 600w overhead, and use the 250w lights as side light supplements. I read somewhere that MH is good, and HPS is good, but BOTH are best. It is recommended 2 MH per HPS. I have both on my girls now and they SEEM to be doing rather well. The concrete walls should help keep the interior temps down, especially if it's a cellar, or basement. Even better if they are solid poured. That should be nno problem to keep at the right temp, once you get the vent system figured.
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Well-Known Member
thelastpirate;It gets 99f here during the day, and so far the central air handles temps just fine. Just where in the hell are you that it gets into the sub temps? THAT would suck, for sure. I went to college in minnesota, and I quit 3 years into a 4 year program because I saw 80 below one year. Mankind just wasn't designed for that kind of cold!!!! (Neither was Cannabis!!!)

Maxzimus, are ya growing in a closed closet, or is the room open to good air circulation?

Well i got one room.. is like room what is about 4 to 6 square meters... it's quiet nice room.... if i fill up that room with ganja i can grow maybe 20 to 30 plants.. but i need at least 2x 1000w but thats not my point... and there is good ventilation.. in winter time it's easy because outside is cold and there is no out side heat problem.. so
in summer time there is very hot some days...

and like very north of europe... ;) and i have been used to it that kind temp.. like 80f to 85f below, its not so could anymore.. i can ride bicycle in that cold.. when i was young in school i always ride bicycle in witer time... :) but that is not the point or the thing...

the thing is wich one light i have to buy to get good yield ?? 600w or 400w
4 to 10 plants... but now i think 400w is better to save money and get good yield but i realy confusin right now... AAAAAh....

( and i grow ganja indoor and summer time i grow in and outdoors.. ;) )


Well-Known Member
Well i got one room.. is like room what is about 4 to 6 square meters... it's quiet nice room.... if i fill up that room with ganja i can grow maybe 20 to 30 plants.. but i need at least 2x 1000w but thats not my point... and there is good ventilation.. in winter time it's easy because outside is cold and there is no out side heat problem.. so
in summer time there is very hot some days...

and like very north of europe... ;) and i have been used to it that kind temp.. like 80f to 85f below, its not so could anymore.. i can ride bicycle in that cold.. when i was young in school i always ride bicycle in witer time... :) but that is not the point or the thing...

the thing is wich one light i have to buy to get good yield ?? 600w or 400w
4 to 10 plants... but now i think 400w is better to save money and get good yield but i realy confusin right now... AAAAAh....

( and i grow ganja indoor and summer time i grow in and outdoors.. ;) )

From all I have read, and from what I have learned first hand, more is better. But I beleive that there is such a thing as overkill. To me, unless ya got a 10' ceiling, 600w per light is GREAT!!! but ya gotta have multiples. I have answered your Q, I'd most def go with the 600w. They have more lumens per watt, are more efficient. My 400w lights cost about 18.00us per month, a 600w would probably cost around 20 per month. How tight ARE the finances? If I've learned anything from this, it's don't scrimp if you can help it. Everything is a trade-off. A bit more on the electric, but better yeild cost wise, maybe a bit more heat, but again, better end results.

That climate you live in would KILL me. I'm just a tropical kinda guy.
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Well-Known Member

that there is such a thing as overkill.

what yu mean, ive havent talk nothing to overkill..

i mean that id yu mean that.. the 11250 lumens considered sunlight 10.000lumens.. that dosent mean overkill, it means is better than sun in square foot ;)

probably cost around 20 per month. How tight ARE the finances?

not tight, just think if i got already one 250w hps there.. :) so do i need 600 with it or just 400 ?? if i veg 400 and flower those with 650w hps power i think is better :) because the 400w hps is cheaper a lot here than 600w so if i buy 600w i have to sell my 250w light.. and i know there is not so big deal to paid little bit more if get more product... :)

If I've learned anything from this, it's don't scrimp if you can help it. Everything is a trade-off.

i dont scrimp.. and i agree that everything is trade-off and thats good and thats the way

That climate you live in would KILL me. I'm just a tropical kinda guy.

i like warm.. but i like winter time too.. both time got theyr magical moments ;) but i know yu have always live in warm place.. only that one place what yu tell.. LOL i know ihave heard that many times.. that climate kill me ;) but summer time yu got midnight sun and night time sun is shining some weeks and one or fwe days it shine all night long.. thanks your infromation... and all help...

Peace :peace::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
600w all the way! 400w 50something thousand lumens, 600w 90something thousand lumens! Speaks for itself really, extra 40000 lumens for just an extra 200w. I use 600w in a cooltube and luuurve it! If you want max yield for min power consumption then 600w. And what somebeech means by 600w digi, is 600w digital ballast system, they run cooler, put more power to yr lamp than magnetic ballasts and compensate for lamp degradation by upping the watts when lamp wears out BUT they are 2-3times the price, well they are in the uk anyway.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... i have been choose 600w :hump: regular HPS or Cooltube if i find that kind but anyway 600 it is... and if possible i try find that kind were i can use MH bulb and HPS bulb.

thank yu guys... 600w win this time.
time to sell my 250w hps 8)

in 1.5 weeks my plants going to bloom, and in 2-3 weeks they going to taste some 600w power!!!! :fire: i got 8 lowryder's and 1 withe widow and 1 purple bud, 1 sativa/indica mix ( i dont know strain but last time i grow it was good and i feminized that ) see u guys... !

thank you!! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I keep forgetting, you're probably doing a SOG or SCROG. I'm still worried about the plants getting too close to the bulb. I haven't tried to scrog yet. You are not as near the lights as I am.


Well-Known Member
thelastpirate;I keep forgetting, you're probably doing a SOG or SCROG. I'm still worried about the plants getting too close to the bulb. I haven't tried to scrog yet. You are not as near the lights as I am.

I'll do normal grow, but im gonna flower the plants earlier my coal is 1.2m to 1.6m tall plants i have growroom top at 2.5m so there is space.. but i all so do the Sog and i do same time scrog... well dont worry :hump: i know how i do it and what i do it

and i keep the things way they are good and i keep the plants away from the bulb ( i mean i dont grow plant's too close bulb...


Well-Known Member
i would go with the 600, but remember because your grow room(area) is open your not going to get 11000 + lumens per square foot because you have now way to keep the light only in your grow area. the only way you would get 11000+ lumens per square foot is to close the room around the light to keep in all the light in your 8 square feet of grow area. I use a 400 for my rooms and each one is 3.5ft by 2ft by 7ft, but both are completely inclosed and lined with mylar to maximize the amount on light received from my 400 watter.


Well-Known Member
medgrower]i would go with the 600, but remember because your grow room(area) is open your not going to get 11000 + lumens per square foot because you have now way to keep the light only in your grow area.
Well i know that.. but i usually keep the door close.. but these hot summerdays and 2 bulbs in there.. so i have to keep door open for ventilation.. but when i got one 600w and there is only one bulb maybe cooltube, then i can close my door and only 10% of light escape from my are because i have lined a little walls that are.. but anyway 600w gives me a lot more lumens in square foot in that are... and im not that kind grower who sell's dope or i want many kg's of weed/bud's.. just fwe nice female plants is peace of my eyes.. and with low ryder's i can keep light very close hole grow because the heinght is only max to 20-25inch but anyway

i just want one very good light and get 4 to 10 nice females.. so i have been do my choice and it's 600w hps (cooltube if possible) :hump:


Well-Known Member
the 600 watter will be awesome and with cool tube you will be able to get a lot closer to the light without burning you tops. You will be real happy with you output you can get with the bigger light, just make sure to keep temps down and you'll be doing real well. Peace. I don't have a cool tube on my 400 watter just an a/c unit to keep heat down and I can let them get like 8-10 inches away from my light, i would think with the cool tube you would be able to get just as close if not closer.