Helloooooooo anybody ever tried KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering Feminised Seeds


Hello every one happy new yr has any 1 ever tried KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering Feminised Seeds I wanna use dem out side in the uk do think this is a good option or do you recommend any others thanks alot and hope you can help


Ok wicked thanks 4 da reply think il give em a go,not as good as u in Spain with all that lovely weather but still il give em a go thanks 4 the reply


Well-Known Member
Great little plants, Perfect for stealth grow, not massive yeilders but good fun to grow. notice a couple of pics, there growing WELL in a pot noodle cup?
You can pretty much leave these girls, they look after themselves as long as you water em. Hope this helps


I have heard that not all kc45 seeds tend to autoflower due to their mixed hybrid genetics what about your grow lorrie1
This is my fav auto strain because it autoflowers only if it's in a pot
raeson being because whenever u plant an autoflower it's root goes straight down.
once it hit's the bottom it begins flowering


Well-Known Member
I picked up a 10 pack of regs cause they were dirt cheap. Had a few $s left on my bean budget and I've never done any autos so I said why not.
Started Germing em. 9 out of 10 cracked in 24 hours with wet paper towel and H202. 4 of them cracked within 12 hours. Have them in Jiffy pellets now and waiting on them to push their little heads out. One more bean is back on the router now but I don't know if it'll do it's thing. It's teeny tiny but hopefully it'll make me smile in the morning when I wake up.
But do you think there is a possibility that they will auto outdoors as the official description was kind of confusing as t says they are autos but they finish flowering in september.


Hey Lorrie1, can you tell me how long it took you to grow those small KC45's from start to finish?



New Member
I have heard that not all kc45 seeds tend to autoflower due to their mixed hybrid genetics what about your grow lorrie1
thats what I found. Personally they are a better outdoor strain. If you wanna get the indoor version it's called KC36 I think. Outdoors they are heavy yields, inside they tend to under perform. I also have had some show more indica traits, while another from the same lot shows mostly sativa manor isms and shape. I was happy that a few of mine did not auto. Photos are cheaper inside grows IMO. 12/12 versus 18/6 or 20/4.

Im not knocking autos, I grow them too. But the extra 4-hours or more of light gets CFLd. I find its hurting the bud density of the autos. My photos stay on HPS. After a 20/4 veg with the autos. Also started candle lighting during veg which I have not been doing long enough yet to post a finding.


Active Member
Hey i plan to guerilla grow kc45 counting on the auto more than anything since im hopeless when ot comes to seasons amd time amd stuff. Just want to grow amd harvest regardless of time.
This is a ruderelis/sativa strain so can anyone confirm the sativa genetics are atleast pushing the kc45 past 5ft outdoors?
apparently 7fters are average

Essentially the bank description over at herbies describes this strain (not in a specific way) to be a very good guerilla strain.
"Marketing" accounted for, its described to be incredibly resilient, in an independent sense, which is ideal for GGing when you will only be present by your grow atleast once a week.
It is also described as, and in my own translation "not sun dependent". Naturally the plant still needs a healthy amount of sunlight to prosper amd grow well but will still grow optimistically with reduced light. This also strongly benifits GGing as you will beable to utilize more innaccesible/hidden plots.

KC-45 just seems to be an incredibly well performing strain purely by nature itself.

Anyway all this comes from bank descriptions and forum reviews and NO personal experience with the KC-45.
And i hope all this serves as a general rundown of my thoughts so far.
Any corrections appreciated :)


New Member
Yeah I'm not too sure about doing KC45 indoors.. From the way everyone's photos look they aren't high yielders if grown indoors.. As darklawliet said, the description from the banks say it can grow to about 7ft if it's outdoors.. None of the pics posted looked taller than 3 feet, and I doubt yielded more than an ounce of dry nugs.

I think I will be passing on KC45 for my setup..


Active Member
Its safe to say KC brains - KC45AF
Is only worth growing outside.
It CAN grow indoors but imo there are hundreds of strains with increbible indoor properties :)
Kc45 is an amazing outdoor plant only it seems.

Obviously just genetics and nothing more :)


Well-Known Member
lol i got the same results lorrie did
they yielded about a 1/4 oz from mcdonalds cups
and were 4' in 3 gals
they are full auto seeing how 12/12 has no effect on them
i wouldnt say they are not suitable indoors seeing how they can be grown full term in cups and still yield well >.<


Well-Known Member
I know this thread is dead but I found it via Google and others will as well..

If you plan on buying kc45 because of the 7ft tall 3lb beasts advertised. Please save your money. I am not impressed with this strain I put ten outside this spring. And after a whole growing season only one started to flower the genetics are NOT autoflowering as described that is pure bull shit! And 7 ft tall my as my only flowering girl started flowering in the beginning of September at a foot and a half tall.

The fact that her leaves look so damn sativa'e if that's a word. I know she won't even finish by first frost early October. So disappointed all 5 months for a (8week auto) hmm? You be the judge I think I'll get 3.5-5 grams off the little shit. Worst genetics I have grown. Out of 10 seeds I'm going to get 3.5g that's a joke. My one photo outdoor girl is going to yield 20x the stupid kc45.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 girls outdoors that are all 7 feet tall. They started flowering just after the begging of September, a little over 3 months from germination. I hope they are mold resistant because a late October/Early November finish in Western Washington is pretty humid and cold. Mold starts, early pull happens and they turn to butter :(