I had a question and general.. I've only grown before indoor,and successfully. Im planning on a grow outdoors on the east coast. I live in the suburbs how, There is a large amount of woods that around around close to being developed,and even vacant woods behind my house? I was wondering if it is safe to grow in some of these woods.. I've set up trip wires etc.. Is it dangerous to grow in pretty deep undeveloped land? I mean these plots I set up are pretty damn descreet. I have 5 gallon plots, FIlled them with a proper amount of fox farm ocean whatever lol, and perlite.. I was also what to do about bugs, small animals andd just pests? I've had problems before with insects, used insecticide... unsuccessfully. What products do you guys recomend that I use..I'm good at these things and have been using and infared hunting cam and trips wires... Any advice would be really appreciated