

hi im new to the site and am interseted in all things to do with growing,i myself have 5 cheese and one blueberry going from seed at the mo, and hoped to get some advice on the blueberry, at this stagew week 3 its only a third off the size off the chedder and seems a lot slower of a grower,(first time with the bb)
im using a bio mix soil bio heaven , grow and wotever in my recipe and ph ing at 5.8, for veg only. this isnt my first grow ive had several succesfull grows to date but input is always helpfull if people r willing to pass it on lol. ill keep people updated with pics only startin week 3 n the tallest prob comes in bout foot n half each gettin smaller as i planted as each germ'd.
any input peeps.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
hello and happy growing, feel free to drop in on the 12-12 from seed thread below, all are welcome..............


well last time out i used 25 ltr pots idea being bigger pots more room for the plant. didnt actually work that way, so this tim iv gone bak to 10 ltr pots at this stage i have them in bio bizz soil, and just started last night,(3 weeks in) a small feed, with some bio heaven 1ml bio grow 1 ml top max all per ltr. im gonna transfer out of the smaller pots in a week r when ever i see the tell tale sigm=ns they need replanting. i will slowly nearly weekly r two weekly up this and add some bio grow as the weeks go by. i havent had a prob with this feed type yet and its not the first time. last time i used hammerhead pk 9.0 instead of top max which i should have used as i wanted to stick to the all bio feed n soil. i did notice a differance when usin the pk 9.0 production wasnt what it should have been. btw 600 dual spec cool tube light intake fan, oscilating fan and a healthy supply of fresh air.


Well-Known Member
if your in veg you arent using pk are you, and soil has enough food already in it for 4 plus weeks..............


no not yet i wouldnt start till flowering, must have wrote it wrong,id leave it till flowering and then every other feed, not when there this young im tryin to keep the feed down even 4 ml to the ltr is a bit much for my likein on the plus side it brings the water down to exactly 5.8 which is what i always veg at so small plus lol


Well-Known Member
no not yet i wouldnt start till flowering, must have wrote it wrong,id leave it till flowering and then every other feed, not when there this young im tryin to keep the feed down even 4 ml to the ltr is a bit much for my likein on the plus side it brings the water down to exactly 5.8 which is what i always veg at so small plus lol
ive always found soil gets more acidic as time passes, does everyone ph to 5.8, i used to grow in soil but never did ph.................coco is much easier to grow in, i only use a maximum of 10 litre pots............you prob didnt write it wrong i probably read it wrong lol


lol either way is good, im gonna change my light sequenz=ce over 2 twelve twelve in bout 2 wekk r up to 2 feet high, but if ur sayin do it now without any consequence im game n change it today what ya fink lol


as for the 5.8 i was always told to kepp it below 6 for veg could b wrong a lot of people say a lot of diferant things lol


Well-Known Member
should put garden lime in it to keep ph up towards 6.5-7 i reckon mate..............have you looked at the plants people have posted on this thread? of course you can flip now.....


6.5? maybe up toward that for flowering never for veg big budda should be ph at 5.8 5.9 for veg its on this site

Strain: Big Buddha Blue Cheese (Fem single)

Growth: Very branchy "christmas tree" structure with many leaves. The leaves have non-over-lapping leaflets.
- 3 clones of the one original mom were vegged until ~14 inches high (concurrently the plants were mature as far as leaflets number and phyllotaxy.) They were put in flowering for 8-9 weeks. No more time was needed.

Nutes: Veg = MG's Organic 8-0-0 (made from sugar beat molasses), more molasses, EWC, tap water, the liquid dechlorinator from the pet store.
Flower = 2-4-1 fish emulsion for early flowering, Alaska MoarBloom 0-10-10 for the rest. Tap water with EWC, the dechlor, and the molasses also.

It should be noted that a version of the "3 little birds" mix as a growing medium. It can be posted if enough people are curious enough (aka 1 person asks).

Yield: ~21 grams per plant, and CFLS were used. It is suspect yield can go up if A. more CFLS are used. B. HID lights are used. C. the sunlight it used.

Bag Appeal: Good lookin', but not the most insane thing. It's green, healthy lookin', and trichs can be seen. Pics will be posted later this week.

Smell: It actually smells like blueberry muffins when it's flowering, and has undertones of blueberry when it's cured. Break open some nugs by hand and not only get sticky hands, but inhale the nice sweet fragrance that escapes. The overtones are more of a mild neo-skunk. None of the musky cheese odor has been detected yet. The blueberry undertones being sort of sweet and musky goes well with skunk-lite smell.

Taste: Tastes like good, clean, smooth smoke. Not too overpowering/expansive, so it may trick you into smoking more when you really don't need anymore. It should be noted the stash being reviewed has been in jars for ~3 weeks after a solid dry got 6-7 days, and then a brown bagging for another 3-4 days....so that's 30 days of drying/curing. I suspect aroma and taste may change a bit after another month jar'd.

The High: Smoke a little, you won't be so angry or sad (not all pot doesn't help me not be angry.) Smoke a joint with friends and everyone will be happy and probably hungry. Smoke some more and you're not gettin' out of that chair/couch unless to bathroom/food/drink. Smoke more and you're out cold; sweet dreams.

I would say it's a great "working-pot" because it's easy to get caught up in all the eating, sitting, laughing, and sleeping.

Comments: It was pretty easy to grow. It roots and clones well. It is easy to over-water. Stretch was minimal, but I'm not sure if that was because they were transplanted right before flowering. I'm goin' to keep runnin' a clone factory on this strain. I like what it does, how it smells, and how it grows. It is leafy so it's sort of a pain in the butt to trim. The trimming comment is the only negative.


nah man big budda blue is suppose to be vegged at 5.8 flower at 6.2 maybe small bit more but this isnt the first tim and up till now im averaging at least 14 ounces tops from 6 well looked after plants


i also do a ph run off from the feed, wen i water i let the excess build up on one of my plants n test the ph on the run off so its all good right where i wanna b, its the best way to test ur soil especially once you start addin nutes. i have a pen for accurate reads.


Well-Known Member
nah man big budda blue is suppose to be vegged at 5.8 flower at 6.2 maybe small bit more but this isnt the first tim and up till now im averaging at least 14 ounces tops from 6 well looked after plants
all good mate, mine all get the same and lump it.


i wouldnt veg any strain in the high 6 's wouldnt even think of it max it is the perfect ph for veggin, for flowering id up it a small bit, do a search in this forum and it will say the same as i am, the high end in veg like .6.8 is too much if your gonna do it right and hav an accurate ph reader u may as well stick to the correct levels and maintain it throughout the feeding schedule


id never use 7.0 thats way to alkaline for plants low 6's is ideal high 5's for veg 5.8 perfect 6.5 7.0 man ur yeild will improve if you stick to the proper feed schedule that includes properly ph'd water. best way is to test the run off after a feed take a readin with a pen if u hav one r a cheaper ph kit for less accurate results. i think u will find the correct ph is important as id go as far as feeding. but then again if ur happy with ur method/results stick with what you know if it aint broke dont fix it. :-)