
Im a newb. I have grown just about anything in my day and have a knack for keeping indoor plants alive. I screwed up my back during the first time we were in the Gulf and finnished it up a few years back while working. Now I am disabled and take more pills than a horse to keep the pain away. That's what brought me here. Our state just passed Medical Mary laws so I am hopefull that I can get on that wagon, flush the morphine I take daily and smoke my way to a better life.

That's about all I can say about that. My username is Petrafried because I tend to get paranoid. Even posting on this site has got me smoking another pack of smokes per day. But I have got to reach out to someone. I don't see a forum topic for medical mary but hope to see one soon. Since there are many people on here that know ton about smoke, it's the logical place to come and ask questions and learn from people who have been there and done that.

I am searching for something I can grow indoors during most of the year and outdoors during the normal cycle of things where I live. I am also searching for a strain that works well for pain releif as some I have tried have actually made my back feel better while making my arthritis in my joints hurt like hell. haha no joke!
I also want to find something that matures quick and is capable of getting nice fat flowerage.

So basically, if you know a good strain for pain, grows and matures quick, and is capable for nice fat buds, let me know. I may be dreaming but there is got to be something out there that will fit the bill.

Thanks guys and gals,



Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU:cool: lots of info here.. look into the forums and chat with the members to narrow down your selections of strains.. Enjoy the forums! :eyesmoke:

and no need to be paranoid, weed is just a plant;)
Thanks for the welcome! One of my babies grew balls the other day and I put him down. It was a sad day, but it was the one that wasn't the shorter grow season variety. Out of the two left, one is producing nicely, while the other drooped like crazy and is just coming back a little, although it's buds are much smaller than it's sister. Hopefully it does something, but if not I have a few cuttings I took from the nicer one coming along great. I can't tell you how much this site has helped me out. Everyone that needs some info should be joining this site.
Well, two out of three isn't bad for a first timer. And up here in the North country they are calling for a heavy frost tomorrow night so I cycled the darlings. Trich's look opaque though not amber but I don't know if every one turns amber or if it depends on the strain. Anyway, a quick taste test of them both is much more potent then I had originally intended, but it's all good. It will just last that much longer. :) Kudo's to this site as you guys were my only information and council. Hat's off to rollitup! I couldn't have done it without you, well ok, I could have but I did it a lot better with your help. :)