Hello to everyone


I've been a toker for over 3 decades and an off and on gardener for over 20 years.

Grew up in the 70's, oh those were the days :mrgreen:. Mucho cheap, kick ass sativas everywhere. My favorite and most memorable was some Panama Red that was just straight mind bending. Couple that with a dash through a local cow pasture for some fungus and it was time to ditch school, brew some tea and permagrin all day.
Lived in the south and in New England and the mid-Atlantic area. May be time to change again.

You guys have a nice community here, thought I might see what I can learn hanging out. (If you don't think there is anything else to learn, you must be dead :roll:)


Active Member
I've been a toker for over 3 decades and an off and on gardener for over 20 years.

Grew up in the 70's, oh those were the days :mrgreen:. Mucho cheap, kick ass sativas everywhere. My favorite and most memorable was some Panama Red that was just straight mind bending. Couple that with a dash through a local cow pasture for some fungus and it was time to ditch school, brew some tea and permagrin all day.
Lived in the south and in New England and the mid-Atlantic area. May be time to change again.

You guys have a nice community here, thought I might see what I can learn hanging out. (If you don't think there is anything else to learn, you must be dead :roll:)
Welcome to RIU Red it is a great place if Im at home RIU is always on one of my tabs in my browser enjoy the site :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
High there and welcome to riu fellow stoner :bigjoint::peace:
. "(If you don't think there is anything else to learn, you must be dead :roll:)" lol totally agree with you here too mate.