hello!pls help me with some advise on my first real stealth grow


Active Member
so here i am again ,my situation change and i adapt myself. i did my first grow in big home box and i had space but i move to HOT country in few weeks and i will have to grow hidden and keep my girls small;
so i read a lot and i was thinking about 2ways how to do it ,if anyone have experience in stealth grow pls don't be shy lol)

so plan A: to grow it in box; Grow space dimensions;1M20 HIGHT 45CM long 50CM bright or similar ,in old fridge or washing mashine. light is 1 250WATT CFL bulb ?1 for growth and 1 for flower
cfl because it not heat up and electricity friendly ,had some1 experience with 250 watt cfl?

plan B: is to grow it in similar box but under 250 HPS ?I grow my first girls under 600 W hps bulb and the heat was almost a issue . so i will need bigger fans and filter ,what makes grow space smaller.

The question is does the cfl do similar job like hps?Are the 250w CFL's any good? Can u recommend any other light? would 1 extractor fan 200 M²/H be enough ?for 250w HPS light?in less than a 1 METER CUBE?

i also have to take all the nesesery equipment with me because i cant buy it on the place ,or its expensive too much ,i have only one shot to take the correct equipment ,its have to be very small,airport 25 KG only!thats why i favor the 250W cfl ,even the filter i will buy the ODORSOK reuseable filter wights only 500 gramm .

so please help me if u have any experience with 250watt HPS in small closet or 250watt cfl
i was thinking to grow big bud feminized seeds from sensi seeds ,it say the plant canbe only 30 cm hight at harvest time ,is it any good?

also guys i have 600 WATT hps homebox kit complet maybe we can exchange some pieces?



Active Member

i was surfing around and reading about systems and i have 2 questions
1: can i use this fan as my main exhaust fan ?
(the 150mm diameter fan ,the biggest one)
i was thinking to attach my ODORSOK carbon filter direct on the fan ,i used this fan (still have it from previous grow) but for extra fresh air supply,so i dont really know if its sucking air good with filter ,i only can take very compact stuff so bigger exhaust fan is not an option
so what do u think ?is it ok ?
and 125watt cfl would be enough for growth? could i use smaller watt?or need more?
best regards