Hello long time lurker says hello.


Well-Known Member
I seemed to have some trouble with getting the site to work with my messed up Internet connection so I figure I should start here to see if I can get a post to go through. Didn't see this whole section for months as well. Go figure. Having switched to Chrome obviously wasn't the best choice maybe. But after firefox got eaten and IE just isn't safe, I'm down to this ...

So, long time activist, consumer and amateur helper to breeders and growers for decades. Always too paranoid to do more than look until recently. Mixed blessing having to step well away from things to help family but it allows me to perhaps do more than lurk from random IP addresses.

RIU definitely has some wonderful contributors. I've never taken pictures so all I can add is encouragement and perhaps some anecdotal advice. Seen a lot of things over time. Seems every year I still find some surprises in genetics and methods.

Not sure what I else I should convey in an intro. Simply have some time and the freedom to participate in a nutshell.

Thanks for glancing at this section if you did.