Hello. It's me. I was wondering if

Deep AI although specific engine not general
That is not entirely calming knowledge.
Uncertain emoticon
When you get the skinny, please PM me with the updates. Been gone for a minute, I have no fucking clue who's currently fucking whom...

I've been back at it at work heavy for about 3 weeks and feel like I've missed so much.

So I figured I'd make a thread. I kinda did notice your lack of likes on my posts the last couple months now that I think about it. How you been?
I've been back at it at work heavy for about 3 weeks and feel like I've missed so much.

So I figured I'd make a thread. I kinda did notice your lack of likes on my posts the last couple months now that I think about it. How you been?

No, I saw your posts. They just didn't deserve a like. J/K, mofo! I've been good. Got tired of trying to qualify for a loan for a mortgage when I had $175k in the vault. They don't make it easy for us drug dealers. So, I bought a nice house with my cash ;) Feels strange to be without the large nest egg, but it was the best place to put that dough. With no rent or mortgage, it is gonna cost me less than $400 a month to live (taxes, insurance, utilities... still gotta buy food.) I'll build up the savings again quickly. Moving, setting up a new grow room, new grow method, starting to grow shrooms too, all while running a business and swimming in gigs. I'm tired, bro. How are you, and how is work??? Been back to China lately?
That's awesome. A house is a good investment. Unless it's mine, then it was a bad investment lol. But that's awesome. It's good to have a home base. I know the gigging is your passion so glad to hear you're still doing that. Yeah work is busy as fuck. Our office manager quit so I'm doing double duty. But at least getting recognized for it. Got a little more money padding the paychecks now. And working on good faith that moving forward there's now going to be a percentage for me at the end of the year too. Still have to talk details but we're so busy it's hard to sit down and hammer any out right now. But if I don't like what I hear then I'm probably ready to move my family out to Missouri to be closer to my sisters and their families. But at this point in time life is pretty good. Just waiting for the universe to show me what to do. Good hearing from you bro!