Hello I really need some help please, this is my first grow


To start off I have a Bubbleponics system. I am in the veg stage in my second week. At first 2 of my plants were drooping a tab bit. So I checked the ph and that is fine, I then thought it was an over watering issue so I turned the pump off for a night. I checked them in the morning and they sprung back up. I checked them again later that night and now all my plants are drooping a tad bit. One plant had a black spot on the stem lower toward the rockcube and was tipsy so I put some tap on it and secured it. The leaves on that one are really droopy and it is the worst one. I am not sure what to do here. My roots are hanging just about to my solution and are nice and white.
I dropped the light recently closer to the plants probably about a foot away from the top. I mixed up new solution about 2 days before I started to see an issue. The growth rate is unbelievable. It is like every time I look in there they look 10x bigger. Oh I also have one air-stone in the rev, I do notice that my whole rev is not under constant bubbles so maybe not enough o2. Please help me figure this out thanks



Well-Known Member
im sure 2 airstones should do depending on how big your reservoir is. also check your humidity and pH constantly.