Hello From The UK


Active Member
Hello to everyone,

I've been reading and taking advice from you guys for a while now... well my past two grows if i'm honest lol thanks ppl. Anyways finally got the plums to start posting and sharing what i've picked with you guys.

plus i've got some strains i've never grow before and could do with some quality advice from some more seasoned hands!

Cheers guys I'm looking forward to it.



Active Member
The past two time's it's been ak with ok results but i've always been a cfl grower.
Now on the other hand ive made the switch to a 600w hps and i've got the one blue cheese from barneys on the go and i've just picked up these lol so fingers crossed i'll been for a good one


Active Member
Sick man, ive been Growing with cfls but im now half way finished with building my cellar grow, switching to 400 watt Mh hopefully tomarrow if all goes to plan. I heard that plants going from CFLS to HID often easily burn until they get used to the change, you know anything on that? just want to know what to expect after the transplant, my Old man is a proppa old school grower, he's had over 40 years experience however he always grew outdoor, yields large enough to cover him all the way till the next crop :) although its been a while since hes been at it he still kno his shit :)


Active Member
Dude it's funny you should mention that!!! i started the bc under cfls now i've
switched her over shes got some burning and yellowing on the lower leaves i was thinking
it was a p.h problem but it's at 6.6 so it can't be?? so that must be it i'll give her a coulpe more days thanks dude lol

Must be pretty sweet having your old man and his knowledge to hand?
And i'm hoping to get enough outta the next crop to see us thru till the next.... Hopefully and it's all organic which is a plus! might have to pick your oldmans brains on that then mate?

We got Our veg cupboard sorted today as well, Just waiting on the lights and fans arriving monday/tuesday. Then she'll be up and running ready for the newly germed beans lol. I'll have some pics up tomorrow.

Good luck with the big switch it's tense times, keep me posted dude.


Active Member
glad I can be of help bro,
yeh he got knowledge more on the outdoor side of things but its relatively same thing, my dads favourite strain was mouwi wowi, he obtained seeds in the late 70's from a grow guru he befriended. they're huge sativa plants (in ideal conditions) he had giant trees of the shit. for nutrients he composed a duckshit tea ( water strained from the filter pump in his duckpond) it worked a charm, he also experimented in a type of lst, getting the plants to gro,w up trellaces and along the ground etc. I need to start a grow journal once its all running smooth, im vegging couple of Californian dream atm (Clones a was given from a fellow grower) so ill start the journal when I begin growing strawberry cough. you east or west uk?


Active Member
very nice dude, i'm just saying i'm in the south dude... not going no further then that lol:|