Hello from BC Canada


Active Member
:eyesmoke: alright no complaints...I came out here from TO 10 years ago..how's southern Ont?


Well-Known Member
hey hey hello from SoCal i love it up in BC tho Whistler & Victoria were amazing last time i went, doubt much has changed!


Active Member
Hey!! I just moved to the Kootenayzz from the coast so far luving it!! ppl here are totally on "Koot time" in my humble opinion it is the best place one earth! :D
Ontario is nice but damn its cold out there


Active Member
wow there seems to be a lot of canucks here...I wonder just how many there are??? Especially here in BC. :weed:


Well-Known Member
wow there seems to be a lot of canucks here...I wonder just how many there are??? Especially here in BC. :weed:
I have not been here on RIU that long and I've noticed a far amount of Canuck posters also. Some from the UK and Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin and South America and of course the States. RUI subscriers are posting here from all over the place. It's a wonderful world wide community here. I've never done chat-rooms or Forum stuff before, this is all new to me.


Active Member
yup! definitely a global thing. Forums are a great way to learn stuff. Especially when the topic is weed and how to grow it. I believe a recent poll here in Canada showed 53% of the Canadian Population voted for legalization and/or decrim. Some day eh. :wall:


Well-Known Member
yup! definitely a global thing. Forums are a great way to learn stuff. Especially when the topic is weed and how to grow it. I believe a recent poll here in Canada showed 53% of the Canadian Population voted for legalization and/or decrim. Some day eh. :wall:
I've been waiting since the Ledain Commission. I've been waiting a long time and so have most Canadians
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Dain_Commission_of_Inquiry_into_the_Non-Medical_Use_of_Drugs]Le Dain Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

begun in 1969 and completed its work in 1972.
For decades, Canadians of all stripes have argued that the penalties for marijuana possession far outweigh the seriousness of the crime. In 1969 Pierre Trudeau's Liberal government orders Canada's first serious look at changing the laws. In June 1970 the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs delivers its interim report, calling for the decriminalization of all drugs. Analysts call it "one of the most politically-explosive documents ever put before the government."
It always begs ther question, "Why hasn't it been legalized?" same kind of question as "Why are we still driving fossil fuelled car?" IMO it's because the government has a different agenda than the rest of us.


Active Member
hello data....As for legalization in Canada I think it will happen. I just don't know when. I like the Green Party logic. The funds they use in law enforcement and court costs etc. can be allocated to far more serious crimes And if they allow sales at the retail level the taxes collected could also be put to good use.
I know some older boys who fought for this country, worked hard all there life, paid their taxes, solid canadian citizens, no criminal record etc etc. One particular fellow I believe in his 70's liked to smoke a dube in the morning as it helped his appetite as he would make a big breakfest and after that he would sit and watch TV and enjoy his life. This guy fought for our freedom and also the freedom of the people making these decisions on whether it should be legal or not.
Anyway we already know the scoop!!