I have been visiting this website for years looking at various grow journals, discussions and articles. Some great stuff on here and it has certainly influenced my grows a lot. I am from the UK, but now live in Spain. From the 1st July, new laws were passed in Spain essentially 'allowing' the cultivation of Cannabis for personal use from your property, so long as it is out of the public eye or smells are not reported.
You also get various clubs/associations that are now distributing product to people, the intent there is to get them off the streets or obviously for medical benefits... However, it is not legal to smoke in the public and possesion fines have shot up, with police commonly loitering around the association busting people who are driving after a spliff etc. I think the fine is around €800.00, when the average monthly working wage is around €600.00, which is pretty brutal.
It´s all a bit of a grey area really, but at least it´s moving in the right direction.. Cannabis culture in Spain is thriving with local seedbanks popping up everywhere, and of course with reputable ones such as Dinafem, Sweet Seeds, Genehtik & Family Ganja to name a few.. Anyway, I feel it is much safer to use a forum here, so here I am.