Hello Austin here


Looking for a place I can meet some people and get help with life.
Nothing too specific.

I'm 34, 35 soon enough. Divorced since 2010. I live with my father, lost my mother in March of 2013 to ALS. Cared for her with my father until her passing.

I'm currently unemployed. But I've always worked retail and I am fairly skilled at some arts.

Hope to find some like minds, because they are getting pretty hard to find lately.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, I assume u mean Austin Texas? been there years ago with a mate of mine. Landed in Dallas, hired a car & drove all over for about a month...even drove to New Orleans! had a great time & loved Austin, great music & bars :).

Sorry to hear about your mum, life really sucks at times but the show must go on. Are you growing your own weed...with your dad perhaps? welcome to RIU, im sure you'll enjoy it here...people talk shite about everything & nothing!



I was named after Austin Texas, but only because my father was released from basic training after he failed the hearing test, just outside of Austin Texas.

I've never been myself.

Not growing, buying medical. He smokes it with me sometimes. By arts I guess I can list. Mainly fimo clay, general wackiness, and first and foremost photography.

That is a video I made, while I worked a bit on my room the other night. Add "noise" as one of my skills, the "music" in that video is mine too. I think it is dumb youtube won't let you use 30 or 40 seconds of a song you like if it is....well whatever. Joint time. Tutti Fruiti.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Are you sayin, "you've never been yourself"? Lol

Oh ok you've nvr been to Austin TX.

Man hope you enjoy other psychedelics, as well, in order to fully appreciate the trippy environment you've created. Lots of weird room bling man, well done!
No lava lamps?


Are you sayin, "you've never been yourself"? Lol

Oh ok you've nvr been to Austin TX.

Man hope you enjoy other psychedelics, as well, in order to fully appreciate the trippy environment you've created. Lots of weird room bling man, well done!
No lava lamps?
Haha, everyone asks that. No, I have many screens and electronics that put off heat. Lava lamps put off a ton. I stick with low energy consumption LED when possible. The amount of reflected light in my room makes lava lamps just energy consuming blobs.

I've been through it all, I consider myself retired. But I know what people like, including myself. I turn all the lights off except for the black lights late at night. The patterns on the wall aren't random. :)

I also have a free viewing kaleidoscope, which means, whatever you look at through it, you see with the effects. Everything I've hung up and lit up is all intentionally done. :)


It's a little excessive, but in a good way!
Peace, nice to meet you...
Nice to meet you as well :)

And I must point out, total customization from color of the the light to black lights or not, fully set up. I am colorblind about halfway. So tuning the lighting to my desire is very important.

In the warm spring days and cool summer nights, almost all of it spins if a window is open.

Adults like to put little mobiles above babies, when I was a kid I had a mobile of hot air balloons.

I just have a really really big mobile. I can't wait for a big winter storm. If the windows get blotted out, the show is to die for.

62 degree's in the middle of August. Windows opens. incense flood.

Last night. -5, windows closed, blowing the smoke OUT of the window.
