Hello - aspiring DWC grower with limited space


Active Member
Hello and really glad to have found the forum!

Im a long time user and an aspiring first time grower. Until now, my wife didnt like the idea of growing (laws in the UK etc) but has since changed her mind and is now "allowing" a plant and some limited space in a cupboard. She changed her mind since "throwing" a couple of sample seeds into some pots and put them on the window ledge in the kitchen. She was surprised when they started growing - out of 6 4 germianted, 2 are very stunted growth wise (they are now under some very cheap LED grow lights) and 2 are in the greenhouse growing....although she is paranoid about that. If I take some pics, could someone advise what to do with them please? They are about 9 weeks old - they were put in about a week after lockdown :)

I built a "grow speaker" to show my wife the art of the possible and following some advice, didnt think there was any point as yield would be shocking and I want to be self sufficient, thats all. Anyway, I now have a whopping 50x50x100 tent, a single OXYPOT (and all the nutrients, pebbles and rooting sponges known to mankind) so not a lot of growing room heightwise so thinking about a dwarf strain and SCROG - although I have no idea really what Im talking about.

Next is lighting, talk about getting confused - in such a small space Im thinking CFL's? Air-culation & Odour control - currently got some PC fans running for the 2 stunted ones and a stick on carbon filter :) -

Any advice gladly received.


Well-Known Member
Something like a small LED panel like the ones listed below, personally wouldn't bother with CFL the par ratings are too low to constitute a good yield vs the risk your running in the UK. I don't even bother using them for seedlings any more as LED technology is amazing today just watch the calmag requirements and having the units too close.

The links I have sent you are all full spec lights except with Vipar. It's as you British call marmite? Personally I hate blupurple specturms because of the science behind it. However like flat earthers and religious nutters there will always people that argue there point based on opinion and not evidential facts.

Good luck my friend.



Well-Known Member

I just read the blurb of the Vipars says middle spectrum causes sun burn and stunted plant growth. I mean can you believe that crap? UV and IR carry the photos which induce sunburn and heat.......it the fucking two spectrums you concentrate on....... See my point.

Science state green light is used for lower canopy development due to its penetration properties. It is a fact so green light is reflected as we see the plants as green however some is absorbed and some gets to the lower canopy.

Another very easy was to argue this fact is what colour light does the sun put out, last time I checked it wasnt blurple!!!


Well-Known Member
As for odour control I have a friend in the UK that refuses to use anything other than Rhino Pro (not hobby) carbon filters. I have suggested other brands but I think it comes down to availability in your region. Also my friend is tight with money and refuses to pay import tax on items outside of the EU zone.

As for odour control control your grow room should change its air 3-5 times per min and you'll match your carbon filter and extraction fan to match.

So basically seeing as you've given the tent specs in meters the equation is still simple.

0.5m x 0.5m x 1 = 0.25m3 (total tent volume)

This then needs to multipled by a multiple of 3-5 so we will pick 5 seeing as you are uk based.

0.25m3 x 5 = 1.25m3 this gives you the amount of air needed to be exchanged every minute

1.25m3 this then needs to be multipled by 60 as fan companies normally give figures per hour

1.25m3 x 60(mins) = 75m3/h.

This number is a very low number. So in the interest of safety in your case it's always best to over spec. I think 4 inch or 100mm is about as small as you can go which is overspec'd. You'll have good negative pressure in your grow room. Your tent walls will be drawn inwards don't panic! I recommend a fan speed controller tho you will strip humidity if its too high!

If you're worried about noise, you can buy a presilenced 4 inch fan (I think they start around 400m3/h), inline exhaust filters and acoustic ducting. You can use all or a combination of the above to dial out the noise. I would recommend centrifugal style as opposed in the inline style due to the way that fans deal with the resistance of the carbon filtera., again this is preference.

Also suspend any fans and pumps via zip ties of you wanna stop vibrations through the tent and in to the floors. Added to this you can also wedge small bits of high density foam or styrofoam under the tent corners also reducing vibration through the floors.

I have linked to a few things below. These are by no means the best or cheapest. Just to give you an idea of what youre looking for. As fan types vary, prices vary, specs vary. I recommend you shop around I don't know the UK market very well so outside of the obvious conglomerates like Amazon or eBay I'm stuck. Just make sure if you go 4 inch fan you have 4 inch ducting, silencers, filters etc.

Hope everything I have given you helps?!?!



Well-Known Member
Is there any specific reason you want to go with DWC for your first grow? Hydroponics, IMHO, is more of an advanced way to grow, and things can go south very quickly. I personally think soil growing is the best way for people to start out because it’s a very forgiving media to grow in.


Active Member
Hi and thanks for your reply.

Originally I wanted something to keep me busy during lockdown, alongside working from home. Topping up and mixing the nutrients etc doesn't phase me and I do like a challenge lol. But I completely understand it might be a failure but got to give it a go.

I'm only want to grow 1 plant for personal use.

As I said I dropped some seeds in soil a few weeks ago and this is what I've got as of yesterday - I have no idea what I got and what stage. These were grown on the window ledge and then the larger 2 in a greenhouse. No nutrients etc used as I didnt actually think they would grow

The 2 little ones - well they are small lol

Any thoughts or comments welcome:)



Well-Known Member
Like the look of the spider farmer panel
I've been trialing some spider farmer units currently. Have a look see what you think.

I must say my first grow was DWC and loved it. I thought it was very easy. To me it was no different to soil or coco.

If anything I would argue DWC is sometimes easier. You haven't gotta mix your soil up to get a pH reading, you fuck the nutes up pour away and don't risk drowning your plants trying to flush them, can't over water, pH adjustment is easier.

You still need to measure TDS and pH with soil, coco or hydro. Things admittedly happen faster in hydro than compared to soil but if your in your garden everyday (as you should be) youll see something up anyway.


Active Member
I've been trialing some spider farmer units currently. Have a look see what you think.

I must say my first grow was DWC and loved it. I thought it was very easy. To me it was no different to soil or coco.

If anything I would argue DWC is sometimes easier. You haven't gotta mix your soil up to get a pH reading, you fuck the nutes up pour away and don't risk drowning your plants trying to flush them, can't over water, pH adjustment is easier.

You still need to measure TDS and pH with soil, coco or hydro. Things admittedly happen faster in hydro than compared to soil but if your in your garden everyday (as you should be) youll see something up anyway.
Brilliant many thanks