Hello, All


Well-Known Member
Greetings, cyber friends. I found this site while scouring the internet for information about growing, and the people here seemed pretty knowledgeable so I decided to join. I recently bought two small plants (2-3 weeks old) from an associate, and I really have no experience growing. I'm sure in time I'll have a number of questions for you smart folk here; however, I plan to do some reading first before posting anything too noobish.

I have a pretty extensive knowledge of most drugs (growing excluded), and enjoy sharing what I know with others. I used to moderate a pretty popular drug forum for many years before the site was destroyed by spam bots and a missing-in-action administrator. Since then there's been a void in my online life, one that I'm hoping this forum will help fill. I won't bore you with too many other details about me, as in time, you will come to learn them. I look forward to getting to know most of you, and to exchanging knowledge about this wonderful plant (and other substances).

Also, the name's pronounced "smoke-eh," not "smok-three-h."