Hello, All Rollitup Members!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Rollitup.org members!!Well I will make this my true hello even though i been a member for a while but never posted on here ..ahhaha yes i know epic fail right!!:mrgreen:
Well i also like too say I'm working on a charity project to raise money for a children s hospital and would like too know if any rollitup.org members are interested, all you have too do is spend 3 minutes of your time each day or week and money will be made and donated too a Children s Hospital.The reason I'm doing this is well my son was born 3 weeks early and was taken to this hospital to be monitored since he was considered a premature baby..But he is now 1 year old and is healthy as ever, the hospital service was so friendly and the nurses watch over my son as if he was their own.
If you guys are interested let me know i will post the details on how you guys can help like i said all you would have to do is spend 3 minutes of your time..
Thanks Everyone
Keeep Smokin and Growing :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok well I just got a Google ad sense account going and I'm going too make a blog or website..Whatever I make off the advertising from the blog/site I'm going too donate it too the Hospital!!I will also post prof of the recipient or document so people know this is not a scam!!!!I'm just trying too help out and i don't have a lot of money too donate myself since i'm just getting by being a single parent..My sons mom past away so i'm on my own raising him..


Well-Known Member
Here is the blog..Please take a moment to visit the Google sponsors!!Just a few minutes of your time everyday or week will make a difference!!Money made from revenue will be donated to The Fresno Children's Hospital!!Again this is not a scam i will post on my blog revenue updates also screen shots of my Google ad-sense account!!Please feel free too share this link with others..

Please PM me if you have any questions!!
Thanks Everyone for making this possible!