Hello All questions about timer mod.....


I seen a timer get modded to 55 seconds on ebay and such. I have never seem any modded one for about 30 seconds or less. My question really is there a way we can have an inexpensive aero timer with out burning through our wallets? Also how much do you think such a timer would cost?

The reason why I am asking is because I have spent the last two weeks studying quantum physics and quartz law (the seven gear design specifically) to try and make such a device if it has not existed yet. (for a cheaper price of $333 by multiponics of course.

Oh and this is my first post so please to meet you all!
I hope to bring good things to ROL if I can. Me = 9-5 day job + secret inventor at night.
Just ask! I will make it if I can.


Well-Known Member
I seen a timer get modded to 55 seconds on ebay and such. I have never seem any modded one for about 30 seconds or less. My question really is there a way we can have an inexpensive aero timer with out burning through our wallets? Also how much do you think such a timer would cost?

The reason why I am asking is because I have spent the last two weeks studying quantum physics and quartz law (the seven gear design specifically) to try and make such a device if it has not existed yet. (for a cheaper price of $333 by multiponics of course.

Oh and this is my first post so please to meet you all!
I hope to bring good things to ROL if I can. Me = 9-5 day job + secret inventor at night.
Just ask! I will make it if I can.
Secret inventor you say? Here ya go then:

555 Timer chip + mount
Potentiometer 1M ohm
Potentiometer 100k ohm
Resistor 33k ohm
Capacitor 330uF
Silicon Diode 1amp
Solid State Relay 12v / 240v (or 110v)
12v DC transformer
Circuit Board


Your timer, in a nutshell.. fully customizable too (and a hell of a lot cheaper than pre-made) .. no quantum physics required for this one, electronics theory/knowledge. The parts list is nothing much to really work with, could do it in 5-10 minutes assuming you had to stop and get a drink, and know electronics a decent amount.

Link with more info on it: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/352597-diy-aeroponic-timer-555-circuit.html

Enjoy :D


Well-Known Member
a titan cycle timer is less than 100 bux. variable on off times or they have fixed timing ones for a little cheaper but not adjustable.


Well-Known Member
555 timer is 1.99 ... mount is under a buck, 1A diode is under 2 bucks, digikey has the relay for under 10 bucks... 12v DC transformer can be had for 17.50.. so it may come to 35-40ish given the other small pieces added up.


Secret inventor you say? Here ya go then:

555 Timer chip + mount
Potentiometer 1M ohm
Potentiometer 100k ohm
Resistor 33k ohm
Capacitor 330uF
Silicon Diode 1amp
Solid State Relay 12v / 240v (or 110v)
12v DC transformer
Circuit Board


Your timer, in a nutshell.. fully customizable too (and a hell of a lot cheaper than pre-made) .. no quantum physics required for this one, electronics theory/knowledge. The parts list is nothing much to really work with, could do it in 5-10 minutes assuming you had to stop and get a drink, and know electronics a decent amount.

Link with more info on it: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/352597-diy-aeroponic-timer-555-circuit.html

Enjoy :D
HEHEHE i see what you mean though. that would be too complicated for most of the people on this forum. I wanted to make original mod ff of the 15 minute time cycle just like grocolt with his mod on the 30 minute timer which got each pin down to 55 seconds. Easy yet effective.

Also I think I just got a breakthrough today. Will post a video or something too see what you guys think =)
I believe true high pressure Aero Systems require roughly ten seconds on and 50 seconds off. For a 1 to 5 ratio.
Let me know if I have missed anything.


Well-Known Member
for about 60 bucks you can get a ATC 422AR timer thatll go down to 0.1 seconds. dont forget the octagonal base

"I believe true high pressure Aero Systems require roughly ten seconds on and 50 seconds off. For a 1 to 5 ratio."
got to disagree with you here im running 0.3 second on time and 4-10 minutes off time. and the roots are still to wet

check out my grow, its kind of boring not cannabis, but its the best i can do for now. just test driving the technology in a safe environment first

Im running this timer right now. try to buy local to help their business but sometimes just cant do it, they have the same thing (or another manufacturers clone of this) for 56 OTD, got this for about 36 shipped and was in no hurry. its only been running for a few days though so no idea how long its going to go.



Well-Known Member
Im running this timer right now. try to buy local to help their business but sometimes just cant do it, they have the same thing (or another manufacturers clone of this) for 56 OTD, got this for about 36 shipped and was in no hurry. its only been running for a few days though so no idea how long its going to go.

glad i checked back in this is a great find, i have quite a few uses for this