hello all first timer here

Unlimited One

Active Member
Many people, especially amateur growers disregard the importance of the type of pot they use. Most are only concerned with size, which it is important, but also the type of pot you use is just as important. I started with traditional black plastic pots, but am now using dirt pots, or fabric pots. I found that the black pots would get way to hot from the suns rays, litterally it would burn my hand a lil bit when I touched the pot, thats how hot they get in my area, and It was killing me to think of how hot the roots were getting. With the fabric pot that problem is eliminated, since the soil and roots get plenty of oxygen, it dries evenly and faster, which does require me to water them more often, but I think that is better. Healthier, more comfy and happier roots, and there is no excess heat in the soil. Oh and they are reusable, but make sure you give them a good clean.


How safe are these cfls? I now have 8 5000k that's all homedepot carries. I am scared they might cause a fire. I have the ehcosmart ones. Are these crap? Dangerous?


ok so i changed my light setup and added 4 more lights for a total of 8 100w 5000k lights.

my temp is steady at 84 f but my humidty is really low. i added a little cup of water to try and boost the humidity up. do you the cup of water will help?