hello all another newbie wanting to gain some experience

okay well i'm new to this so bear with me, well i have a 4ft x 2ft x 5ft tent i'm using a 400w mh light had a 1000 watt just was waaaay too hot in the tent(over 90). I have 1 exhaust fan hooked up to a cool tube temps have stayed around a low of 74 and hi's of 79. i'm using a ebb and grow setup with grodan cubes and hydroton system floods 4 times a day ph has been at 5-6 throughout. i have 1 good size oscillating fan and 2 smaller non oscillating ones blowing on the plants.

I started from seeds I have 2 mystery seeds also i have 3 crystal plants and 1 white widow. the mystery seeds have been growing for about 5 wks they have been lst'd and topped a few times i'm trying to keep them small until the other plants can catch up. I am at half strength with a 20-20-20 ferterlizer just started last week havent noticed any nutrient burn or nething like that I have pruned these as well

as far as the crystal and widow they are just coming out of the seedling stage with exception for 1 crystal which is 3wks that one has gotten topped this week the others are about 2 wks. I do have a few questions though about flowering, when the time comes I will be switching to a hps light would like to use the 1000 watt I have but was wondering are the hps lights cooler or hotter than mh.



Im probably no help at all, since I am a newb, but why not invest in some in line fans to take air in and out of your tent and thus will keep it cool?
hey 444 and lil t thanks for responding well thought about gettin some inline fans but from all the research and threads i've been reading i've heard that those temps are ok so i decided to not bother with it and thanks for the info lil t hope u guys keep checkin in oh yea almost forgot thanks zoo time lol also was just checkn believe i got some preflowers coming in on the mystery plants and i've never seen this in person but with the research i've done it's looking like they are gonna b some girls all the other plants are from femmed seeds so hopefully they r 2 gonna try and get some pics but my cameras not the best at that close up lol
ok well gues it's time for a lil update and some more pics:) I am on 1/2 strength nutes now changed the water in reservoir i'm thinking everything is going ok i've been LST ing and pruning the mystery plants so the younger girls (i hope they r neway lol) can catch up. i've been noticing some browing spots on the older leaves also the tips have been drying out i've noticed ?(is this normal) 7wks.jpg3wks.jpg4wks.jpg3wks.jpg3wks.jpg7wks.jpg
I'm able to keep the light less than 12 inches above the plants the light is not hot at all I can hold my hand on the tube forever and it hardly warms my hand could this be nutrient burn or mayb just bad genetics because my white widow plant don't have ne of these problems also these plants seem really short not over 7 inches for ne of them i rotate them often trying to get equal amounts of light to the whole plant. are they so short because the lights are so close lol sorry bout all the questions just never did this b4 and don't know what's norm or not. thanks for reading and also for any info left