
just had a blue white and black bottm helicopter hoover over my grow shed for 30 seconds it was low and looked to have a camera and some other things on the bottom in bubbles any one have ant experiances with this chopper before? what and who do you think it is DEA? i only have my asllowed number of plants should i be worried:dunce:?


Active Member
no worries if ur legit... it was prolly the drug copter with cameras and the buble was prolly a FLIR...or termal camera


Well-Known Member
just had a blue white and black bottm helicopter hoover over my grow shed for 30 seconds it was low and looked to have a camera and some other things on the bottom in bubbles any one have ant experiances with this chopper before? what and who do you think it is DEA? i only have my asllowed number of plants should i be worried:dunce:?
If you are legal, why would you be worried?

I would however call the cops and complain about a low flying helo hovering over your house.
thats funny! yah leggit as it can get. thanks man just way out of ordinary did a huge 12 plant out door crop nothing ,just hit the switch 5 days ago and blam chopper, oh well lets have some bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1