Hekp !st timer noob


Active Member
I need some help I got a lot of questions. I germinated some Reggie seeds cuz I don’t want to spend good money on seeds that I might mess up. If I successfully grew reggie would it make a difference in THC would it be better plants? I bought one 8 site bubbler kit with 3" inch net pots and a 6 site drip hydro kit with 3"inch net pots for now I planted them in rock wool I’m thinking that later I might put in clay pellets if they need it. 3 inch pots seem small what would you recommend to upgrade when the plants out grow the kits would a 5 inch or a 6 inch pots do it and when would they need to upgrade how would I know? I’m also Not buying a pre made kit I’m just gona make one . I’m thinking of making a Drip system in a 40 gallon container with about 8 or 10 5" inch net pots would that be a good support for when they grow and flower ? What kind of submersible pump would I need GPH wise? I can also build a EBB flow but I would really prefer making a drip systems it seems a lot simpler for me and save space in my lil closet. For now I have them under a T8 32 watt cool bulbs and Two 17 watt led bulbs .Would this be sufficient for a week until I get my MH 400 watt light? Would all these lights be enough for 14 plants until they finish vegging and could tell the sex? or is having fluorescents and LED an MH at the same time a bad idea ?I’m also thinking that it’s a 50/50 chance that half would be females and when there done vegging I could move them to the home made system and change the 400 watt MH to a 400 watt HPS bulb. Would the ballast support a 600 watt bulb if it was made for 400 watts?



Active Member
I know these pic sucks i took them from my phone i also move the T8 closer to the plants and i dont know if the LED lights are 17 watts im sure there around 5 to 15 watts each. Any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Yes those lights will be fine for now till you get your m/h. I would not put a 600 watter in a 400 watter ballast it will over load. A 400 with the light you have will be fine, the more lumens the better. As far as the pot size goes it really doesnt matter how big the pot size is as long as the roots have somewhere to go.
If you are going to go with a drip system I wouldnt worry about getting a very big pump. I only have my drip system running on 2gph dripper. A ebb and flow wouldnt really be to much different in the fact that its not really a race to fill the flood table. I would say a 90-130gph would be just fine.
Also what sepctrum are the lights that you are using now. From the picture tthey look to be a red specturm close to the 3000K which is good for flowering. A blub around the 6500K spectrum is what you want to use for vegging.


Active Member
To be honest i dont know much about the LED i had them for along time an i forgot. thx 4 the tips i wont overload my ballast lol. I thought that if i dont change them to a bigger pot size it would stunt their growth? So would these kits i have now last me through flowering to? Im also worryed about the lights would it support 14 plants thru vegging?


Well-Known Member
Pot size comes in effect when you are using soil. Root restraint. In a basket there is nothing to stop it.

14 plants is a lot for a 400 watt you might want to go with a bigger bulb or just more of them.


Active Member
Man im really low on cash im saving up for a inline fan with carbon filter which is around 150 to 200. At Walmart they have these 17 watt grow lights which it says it produces enough to compare with a 75 watt an there only $10 bucks how many extra would i need to support all my plants? say i Keep all the lights an get 2 of these 17 watt grow lights?



Active Member
Yeah im sure with all these lights its enough cuz dosent a 400watt enough for 8 to 12 plants . I got another question say i bought some good seeds and i let the male and females grow together so i can harvest the seeds my friend says that the male is what produces seeds but dosent the female make seeds when polinated by the male? its also hot in the grow room thats why im trying to get the fan an with the 400 watts im sure its gona get even hotter does that affect the growth? and how much am i expecting to yield from what i have now say 6-8 female plants from the reggie seeds im sure there a mexican skunk type? What i also find weird is that the ph was like 6.3 then next morning it was 7.2 is that normal?


Well-Known Member
I have a a 400w hps and I only keep 6 plants underneath it. It will be ok for now but in the future I would def go with a bigger light.

The ph shouldnt change overnight. I have heard of it changing in a couple of days. Are you using any nuts at all?

Heat can stunt the growth and can acualy burn the plant. Try like hell to keep the room temp under 90-95. Any hotter will kill them.


Active Member
yeah next time im getting a 1000 watter. hopefully it wont pass 90 degrees with the fan its usually around 84 avg in there. I cant afford mylar film rite now is it ok to put aluminum foil so it reflects light? and is it ok to check up on them alot i get anxios an check on them like every 3 hours. Its so intresting watching them grow they change really fast.