Heisenbeans Genetics

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got two jabbamacs goin now, up and goin, prayin for a gal. jabbawocky x mac. That jabbawocky was some good shit, so I got high hopes also. I thought about telling that dude bout the f2's I was gifted, but I decided to stay out of it. lol
not gonna get into a political deal, but its gotten worse, the attitudes towards others, in the last 3 yrs. Having said that, I been fucked by fam way worse than others, but they got me to for a minute. And now I just don't have any faith in people anymore. Other than the ones, for example I've met on here who have been generous and gracious and compassionate with anything they can offer. Other than that, Im like the Tom Hardy meme on fb, I always look both ways crossing a street even in a crosswalk, even if none coming, that's how much I trust motherfuckers, lol. Truth is, used to be this hobby and plant brought folks together, now its all a big competition of sorts. It is what it is though, this world of ours. I didn' realize till today that GW Pharma has the patent on cannabis cures for cancer. Not just CBD. To cure cancer. Nobody mentioned that when they were talking about epidiolex or whatever its called. They said seizures, epilepsy, etc. Now I read fine print today and that cure cancer shit, its like they are trying to take over what the growers and patients have been trying or having some success with, with that patent, they can use the FDA and others to stop folks if they want. I think the stickler is if you selling cbd or such, you can't say it cures anything, lol, I suspect that's why Im hearing on FB more and more bout using it for your dog, pets, etc. Crazy world spinning wild.
And also to note, please go to the seedbank review thread and look at what I posted that paypal emailed out today in the dcse thread. Just for US customers, but you basically gotta have a card for the account and have a paypal account with money in it too. kinda like a deposit account so you cant stop charges on something you have bought, etc. I heard that was getting out of control, folks buying something, getting it, then disputing charges. Hang tough everyone. Also seen somewhere today that since the cbd oil is everywhere, they are trying to make CBD flowers illegal, but I have to go back and check on that one.
I use the smaller buds and sugar leaf to make medicated coconut oil for my dogs. They're old and it does wonders for them and arthritis. Vet said she'd need rimadyl daily for the rest of her life to be able to get around etc and not be in pain. 4 yrs now homemade medicine and she's still playful, eats normal and gets around on her own fine. And loves her herb, she's been known to get into the greenhouse. Lol. 14 yr old chocolate lab.
not gonna get into a political deal, but its gotten worse, the attitudes towards others, in the last 3 yrs. Having said that, I been fucked by fam way worse than others, but they got me to for a minute. And now I just don't have any faith in people anymore. Other than the ones, for example I've met on here who have been generous and gracious and compassionate with anything they can offer. Other than that, Im like the Tom Hardy meme on fb, I always look both ways crossing a street even in a crosswalk, even if none coming, that's how much I trust motherfuckers, lol. Truth is, used to be this hobby and plant brought folks together, now its all a big competition of sorts. It is what it is though, this world of ours. I didn' realize till today that GW Pharma has the patent on cannabis cures for cancer. Not just CBD. To cure cancer. Nobody mentioned that when they were talking about epidiolex or whatever its called. They said seizures, epilepsy, etc. Now I read fine print today and that cure cancer shit, its like they are trying to take over what the growers and patients have been trying or having some success with, with that patent, they can use the FDA and others to stop folks if they want. I think the stickler is if you selling cbd or such, you can't say it cures anything, lol, I suspect that's why Im hearing on FB more and more bout using it for your dog, pets, etc. Crazy world spinning wild.
And also to note, please go to the seedbank review thread and look at what I posted that paypal emailed out today in the dcse thread. Just for US customers, but you basically gotta have a card for the account and have a paypal account with money in it too. kinda like a deposit account so you cant stop charges on something you have bought, etc. I heard that was getting out of control, folks buying something, getting it, then disputing charges. Hang tough everyone. Also seen somewhere today that since the cbd oil is everywhere, they are trying to make CBD flowers illegal, but I have to go back and check on that one.

I call this "Our National Mental Illness" To boil it down, We're shitty to each other. We don't help each other out. We don't pick up those among us who have fallen and need a hand. We don't take responsibility for our actions. We blame others.
No idea on how to fix it on a national level, just trying to be better personally.
I call this "Our National Mental Illness" To boil it down, We're shitty to each other. We don't help each other out. We don't pick up those among us who have fallen and need a hand. We don't take responsibility for our actions. We blame others.
No idea on how to fix it on a national level, just trying to be better personally.

Somehow, some people now think picking a person off the ground is "socialism". It is some how American to be an ass to everyone else/
Not sure but the haters and naysayers can truly suck deez nuts. This job 100 percent takes the fun out of it. They should build prisons and make the prisoners make feminized seeds. Maintain 200+ plants daily and keep everything separated and clean. I will never attempt this shit again without a full time helper and person to keep up with orders only.
If I was cutting corners and doing things half ass it would be stupid easy, so when I see them dudes hating they can seriously suck my chode.
There is a pretty big group of people who support and appreciate the efforts
bro.. there has been bad terrible shit happening for centuries. Slavery/plague/genocides/holocaust/presidents, musicians, civil rights leaders being assassinated... The history books are full of serial killers/pedophiles/rapists. Difference is nowdays there are a lot more people and news is a 24/7 business and not just something you read in the paper or watch at 6 or 10 pm.. Just think about it.. wasnt all that long ago they had kids ducking under their desks to hide from nuclear bombs.. now they have active shooter drills. As long as global warming doesnt melt the planet, our kids will have plenty of problems of their own to deal with and worry about their own kids survival and new problems we cant even imagine lol.. until there are no more tomorrows lol
maybe with the technology, but it wasn't this bad back in the 50's and 60's. Problem is, most parents raise kids to be their friends, instead of raising them to make it in this rough ole place. Not all but most. That means you have to toughen em up in your own way. IMHO.
As the only member of my family of over educated Uni grads and PhDs that chose the blue collar route, I know what it takes to get a degree and I can tell you for certain you don't have one. So why pretend? I don't have a degree and spent the last 27 years hauling heavy equipment from job site to job site, towing, setting up tower cranes, etc... and I can write/comprehend much better than you with my grade 12. Not bad for a dirty old truck driver, huh? Maybe if you didn't act like such a dick, you wouldn't have to pretend to be something you're not.


i have a friend with a master's degree in English that drives a truck for a living, so you saved a lot of money up front.
yea, but they raised kids different then, when it became I want to be my kids best friend and give him everything I didn' have, went to shit. Sign up to be a soldier and Im not talking vietnam with the draft, sign up to be a soldier then lose their mind, come back home and get a check. What exactly did they think being a soldier was gonna be? And im staggered by the difference in the way the vietnam vets were and are treated compared to the more recent squirmishes.
For who? There was plenty of foul shit going on in the 50's and 60's :lol:

I dont think immigration policy is keeping the government from treating the vets properly..

lol its also the loss of good paying manufacturing jobs.. the days of being able to buy a house and raise a family on a factory job are mostly in the past unfortunately
not for the rich or 1%'s, lol. and again, technology, i.e. robotics, etc, takes the place of folks and theyh don't have to worry bout benefits, injuries, etc.
yea, but they raised kids different then, when it became I want to be my kids best friend and give him everything I didn' have, went to shit. Sign up to be a soldier and Im not talking vietnam with the draft, sign up to be a soldier then lose their mind, come back home and get a check. What exactly did they think being a soldier was gonna be? And im staggered by the difference in the way the vietnam vets were and are treated compared to the more recent squirmishes.

Back when I was a kid if a parent had to come to school they would yell at the kid and promise to give them hell later. Now more often they get in argument with the teacher that dare try and punsih their kid telling them they were at fault for little Jimmy being a Dick.
i have a friend with a master's degree in English that drives a truck for a living, so you saved a lot of money up front.
How did I get quoted saying that? I definitely didn't write that, weird.

None of my family is even close to phD or any degree scholar, lol. My associates and a few upper level courses is about the most my intermediate family has achieved.

But on a side note I also have a buddy that went from being a teacher to truck driving. People do a shitty job of raising their children to behave properly in a civil setting.
They wouldnt want me in their country... Im a serial jay walker.. the outlaw life is serious man

This is how I roll!
How did I get quoted saying that? I definitely didn't write that, weird.
It's called the Mandela effect.:fire:
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