Heisenbeans Genetics

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I'm lost between the motorboating and the John Holmes like leaves .

Katsu bubba you say is there any hints of coffee in that? I'm not sure if you have harvested 1 or not.

We had this smoke that was around forever from like 93-2005 was called hash plant had hints of coffee a unique spiciness and smelled like burning rubber when smoked stupid strong indica i've been hunting for it forever after trying almost every hash plant I'm almost sure it was mislabeled.
Yes the bubba smells like spicy burning rubber. It is a very strong smell on the nose. I kept it for a reason.
If I were you, so you don't have to deal with heatsinks, I would just get four QB120s in 3000k or 3500k for $120, and run them with the HLG-240H-24A driver. In the end it will be under $200. You could get by with two of those boards in that space, but they come in packs of four. If you run the four of them, you get better coverage, and that driver is dimmable.


I have 2 of these exact kits in a 4x4 tent. Great deal for the light output and coverage.

No heatsink required. Mounted to angle aluminum.
Wait, which strips don't require heatsinks? I really want to know about that. Thanks
EB series 1 footers have been run free air at 700mA no problems whatsoever none of my light builds have any heatsinks. Jus aluminum frame. The only reason eb series need to be mounted on is bc they are flimsy. They have an epoxy base pcb instead of alum. Theres a dude on here that has been running free aired eb series for over 17 months. Not one single outage or problem. 12hrs a day every day.
Haha. That is hilarious coming from you.
yea and i'm trying to fix where I've fucked up, that's one difference between a man and a child, men learn from thier mistakes and try to help others! children point out the obvious and laugh! figure out what u wanna be! not trying to argue! everyone knows how much I've fucked this thread up(no denying that), you really wanna be me tho???

edit; I wont say anymore, my bad for trying to help, do what u wish!
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yea and i'm trying to fix where I've fucked up, that's one difference between a man and a child, men learn from thier mistakes and try to help others! children point out the obvious and laugh! figure out what u wanna be! not trying to argue! everyone knows how much I've fucked this thread up(no denying that), you really wanna be me tho???
Dude, stop trying to police the thread. First, you were trying to dictate who could try to win the contests, now you are trying to dictate what others can write on the thread. Additionally, insulting me by calling me a child. Back off. You are out of line, and you are being too controlling.
Imo the 120/132 boards are the best deal out right now. Same price as an f-strip build, but half the wiring, 301b's and much less work and aluminum for the frame.
Not really. Build me a 500w for under 300 bucks. Legit 500w not some bs leds. Run 1 single wire. Using tnutz slotted alum. Make 8 cuts. Apply thermal tape. Wago the input and output. Done. 493w do that with QBs. 4 boards only push 280w maxed. And the 288s v2 are sold out unless you go with 5k. So you gotta step back and get lm561c s6 diodes.

Edit: not saying qbs are bad. But they just cant match the output w for w and dollar for dollar.
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