Heisenbeans Genetics

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Everyone who won the contest got tracking numbers except for you Canucks. Those are going out tomorrow.
The contest with the codes worked super nice. All I had to do was type in the codes and everything came up nice. Was super easy to keep track of shit and make sure there was no mix ups.
This is definitely alot of work but I have systems put in place now to make things easier. I know its gonna get crazy around drop time. I'm doing everything by myself so you guys bear with me.
I have a few haters trickling over from time to time. What they all forget was I was the one that brought alot of the bullshit to light . I never used anyone's thread to promote any kind of agenda. All I ever did was state facts. So many seem to forget.
I was a mod on thc farmer the past couple years and made some pretty awesome connections. The GPS thread was the only thread I participated in here on this forum. That's where alot of confusion comes from and the only reason these people even know me was because of that thread. There are only a hand full of people from that thread that trickled over but it never really mattered cause I been making fems from way back when way before the farm and this forum.

Here are some facts.
I can grow my ass off
I have several elite cuts that are the real deal
I know how to reverse said elite cuts.
I'll be selling and giving away alot of seeds.

Take it however you want I dont care. I do what I say I'm gonna do and that's that. I have no hidden agendas or any other motives. I do not dislike Gu and also have a certain amount of respect for him especially after getting a taste of all this fuckery.

Now I just ignore the haters and keep doing my thing. The buck stops here and I'm not just gonna use elites. I'll be doing huge pheno hunts and using alot of my own gear in the future. This is really the start of a bad ass venture.
Seed and plant selection is an art form IMO. It's not science cause if it was we would be using lab equipment and DNA test tubes and shit. Every breeder out there had to start somewhere and I never once claimed to be the top dog badass at the top of the food chain in breeding. But I will say these seeds are gonna some seriously awesome shit. There is definitely no denying that and time will tell.
sounds like some real jealousy, and what your doing is what I think everyone has been waiting for, atleast it sounds good so far man, I mean I don't know you but I notice a few respected cats in here are behind you so that's saying something ya know
Omfg! Thank you so much @Heisenbeans !!!
Ive been with this motherfucker since the farm. I would drink a beer, smoke a fatty, and cast some lines with this guy!
He dont know me from Adam, here he is sending me some shit. For FREE!! Some fucking fire for FREEEEEE!
Shiiitttt all I gotta do is post some pics! Hell ya! Dropping them bastards in h2o as soon as they hit my hand!
Heisen was quite loud over in the GPS thread for months.First he loved him,then he spent months talking negative about him on the daily.All the while puffing his own chest up about the gear he was to going to run and get out to the masses.Basically using the Gps thread to hype his own stuff.It has nothing to do with morality, but about remembering how this all got started.

As far as gps seeds not popping,I've never had that problem.All very viable and strong.
That isn't how I seen it.

I seen as, Heisen like me bought into the GPS hype, then he grew some and feelings changed.

Then he criticize Gu and said he could do it better.

Now he is following up on what he said he would do.

I'm not a dick rider and I still haven't asked for nada. Just calling as I see it.
When some are ready they will be posted up Heisenbeans correct and you will be able to claim them where it is saying out it will be saying ready just wondering every time I get on here reading seems like a lot of S*** going on that's none of my business just saying so is that right Mr.Heisen

They all loled at me when I said dog pics and naked woman working on cars will be posted in this thread soon enough. So far I am 50% right :blsmoke:

I also said those nubcakes from the GPS thread would be over here licking Heisens salty nutcakes. Here they are making shit up and saying all Heisen did was make trouble and promote himself.

Actually, Heisen took a lot of shit when he first started posting here at RIU. Most from being associated with Logic and then the Goo stuff. Heisen called the whole S1 fiasco from the get go. Then he called Goo out about a bunch of real shit. I respect a guy like that who can prove shit out and back it up. So what did myself and a few others do? We pmed him and told him to make the fucking seeds. We kept bothering him to do it....secretly in pm's.

At first he may have been hesitant but then he thought about it for a while and finally agreed. But he would do it in a way no other has done before him. All of it out in the open for everyone to see. He has kept his word from the start and I would back him in almost any business venture because of that.

His seeds may suck, but I think those percentages are quite low given the genetics he has and the whole process that he has thought out. Has he made some mistakes? I'm sure of it, but knowing him he won't sell you that stuff. You get that shit for free.

I've seen the man change in a very short amount of time. He used to snap back at anyone who tried to bite him. Most of the time provoked by some idiot...even myself :blsmoke: But over the last few months he has become an excellent business promoter and a speaker of truth. Proves to me he learns quickly from his mistakes. Say what you want about him but he's got a quick ass mind and will put you in your proper place if need be. I know when to get behind a man like that. It's a good spot to be specially when he bends over :eyesmoke::-P8-)
When some are ready they will be posted up Heisenbeans correct and you will be able to claim them where it is saying out it will be saying ready just wondering every time I get on here reading seems like a lot of S*** going on that's none of my business just saying so is that right Mr.Heisen
Yes, pretty sure your on the list. I'm gonna tag everyone when everything is packaged up and everyone starting at the top that wants them will have 3 days to tell me what they want from the list of everything I have. They will get top pics and so on down the list.
I'll be testing alot as well. I already soaked some of the ecsd and 8 popped so far out of 10.

Seeds are heavy in the seed moms now. The Ghost OG X GG4 has some of the fattest prettiest seeds I've seen in a while. Most everything will be done in 6 weeks
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