Heisenbeans Genetics

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CS is the only way to go for creating reliable fems
Well ... NO. I had no luck with CS. Had all the bud full! of sack but NO pollen to use.

Then I went to STS. And what should I say; It worked MUCH better!
AND you have to spay WAY less often as with CS ;-)

Just my 2 cent
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Well ... NO. I had no luck with CS. Had all the bud full! of sack but NO pollen to use.

Then I went to STS. And what should I say; It worked MUCH better!
AND you don't have to spay WAY less often as with CS ;-)

Just my 2 cent
Never had issue with cs.
OK. I made my own CS but shoot for 50ppm. That's might be my problem :oops:
It's hard to get above 60 unless perfect.the particles begin to bind and the ppm will actually start to drop and the water will turn to mud.i found aeration and heat can get the ppm higher
It's hard to get above 60 unless perfect.the particles begin to bind and the ppm will actually start to drop and the water will turn to mud.i found aeration and heat can get the ppm higher
man you should work on like a "Chinese menu", just like a page u can copy and post that shows all your strains and crosses and maybe even a Lil info about it, I'd love to be able to just look at everything, I know u posted above but it is a Lil confusing!
Heisen really should create a strain called 'Shameless Whore' for the nut swingers.

You know who you are... :clap:
Tarzan for the swingers8-)

Just wanted to add my experience with s1 seeds.
Grew 4 banana og s1 from thugpug. The thing with s1s is some will be duds with low trichome but most will resemble the mother quite well with only slight variation. And if you're lucky you get something even better than the original.

Good luck everyone happy hunting
The only s1s I'm giving out as testers because of the reputation they have.
I still think cap threw that out there to keep people from breeding with the cut.
I would do the same if I found something spectacular in my seeds and someone I gave it to handed it out.

I’ve seen probably a half dozen people on IG with no affiliation with Cap that got really shitty results with the MAC1 cut. Still haven’t seen anyone get decent results out of her. I’ve seen a couple good looking MAC1 cross plants, but it took trying to pop at least a few dozen seeds to find it.
I’ve seen probably a half dozen people on IG with no affiliation with Cap that got really shitty results with the MAC1 cut. Still haven’t seen anyone get decent results out of her. I’ve seen a couple good looking MAC1 cross plants, but it took trying to pop at least a few dozen seeds to find it.
I just realized I think I follow you on ig?
I'm Dr green 420 or some shit idk
I’ve seen probably a half dozen people on IG with no affiliation with Cap that got really shitty results with the MAC1 cut. Still haven’t seen anyone get decent results out of her. I’ve seen a couple good looking MAC1 cross plants, but it took trying to pop at least a few dozen seeds to find it.
well, the cut by diff growers just won the dope cup out in OR for best hybrid flower AND runner up, somebody is doin some good stuff with it. And theres pics of folks finding that killer female in a pack or two of seeds. The LA boys seem to be runnin it now also. Just sayin. Also, at speakeasy, umami just dropped a load of thinmint/mac male crosses. MacMints is what they call their stud. So yea, you gotta wonder at him saying that bout his crosses, he made some, others are makin em, first it was the males that weren't no good, then it was the cut is no good, lmfao, looks like that plant or cross is just fine.
just to add, it was kinda cool to see Cap get after Big Al's, I think, for gettin his cut and growin proper and selling 100 eights. They got it thru somebody he give it to kind of deal and he straight called em out on it. Just too high a price, in his opinion. Kingston or whoever tried to mouth a minute and Cap kinda shut him down, lol. Sorry off topic, Heisen
well, the cut by diff growers just won the dope cup out in OR for best hybrid flower AND runner up, somebody is doin some good stuff with it. And theres pics of folks finding that killer female in a pack or two of seeds. The LA boys seem to be runnin it now also. Just sayin. Also, at speakeasy, umami just dropped a load of thinmint/mac male crosses. MacMints is what they call their stud. So yea, you gotta wonder at him saying that bout his crosses, he made some, others are makin em, first it was the males that weren't no good, then it was the cut is no good, lmfao, looks like that plant or cross is just fine.
It’s just the MAC1 cut that has breeding issues. Other cuts going around or plants popped from seed have been fine. I’ve never seen anyone say the males had issues or that the strain in general had issues.
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