Heirloom Brothers Grimm line

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
What's your thoughts on Genius/Cafe Girl/Rosetta Stone/Princess/A10/A11/A13/BG White Widow/BG MTF/BG White Russion/BG White Russion x Ak-47 back-cross/BG Ginger Ale.

I know they crossed a sensi male shiva shanti/skunk to the princess then used cubed breeding a couple of times to get C-99.

I have seed stock purchased from them years ago for the above strains plus a pack of Dr. Greenthumbs millenium. I usually work with my own lines but I have been thinking about working out some lines with the above genetics...
Do it PLEASE. Brothers Grimm seem to be pretty legendary BUT I have yet to try any of their genetics. They were long gone before I ever got to the scene and every pic / plant I've seen grown look DAAANNK!

In my opinion, if you feel that good genetics should be avilable to anyone you should recreate these strains as F1s,ect and preserve the genetics. Not mass production but to get enough out there for other people to do their things (make their own seeds of the strain). I cannot believe that there isn't a lot of replies to this thread.

When will your other genetics be avilable?

What's your thoughts on Genius/Cafe Girl/Rosetta Stone/Princess/A10/A11/A13/BG White Widow/BG MTF/BG White Russion/BG White Russion x Ak-47 back-cross/BG Ginger Ale.

I know they crossed a sensi male shiva shanti/skunk to the princess then used cubed breeding a couple of times to get C-99.

I have seed stock purchased from them years ago for the above strains plus a pack of Dr. Greenthumbs millenium. I usually work with my own lines but I have been thinking about working out some lines with the above genetics...
I've been trying to work out the details relentlessly but because of legalities I would have to have a medical seed production and sales out side of the US. It's going to happen but not as soon as I hoped. I cannot explain the excitement of the Brothers Grimm seeds, I have been doing allot of investigating into the lines and found allot of great things. The MTF was supposedly produced by a cross of the true Alaskan Thunder Fuck clone they obtained and an unknown male. The BG liked to work with sensi seeds stabilized strains so It possibly narrows it down a little. I'm just going to grow 1/4 of everything and meticulously document and track everything. I have friends at a couple labs that will be able to test percentages of THC/CBN/CBD so that should be interesting as well. I don't want to get over excited but I think this could be big. Only time will tell. Thanks for your interest and hope to get some more info... It's like finding the lost ark!!!
What's your thoughts on Genius/Cafe Girl/Rosetta Stone/Princess/A10/A11/A13/BG White Widow/BG MTF/BG White Russion/BG White Russion x Ak-47 back-cross/BG Ginger Ale.

I know they crossed a sensi male shiva shanti/skunk to the princess then used cubed breeding a couple of times to get C-99.

I have seed stock purchased from them years ago for the above strains plus a pack of Dr. Greenthumbs millenium. I usually work with my own lines but I have been thinking about working out some lines with the above genetics...
i think brother grimm were the first clostet "breeders" to use forums and chat rooms on the internet to gain a cult following,they were ahead of their time when it came to useing the internet to propell hype.im not saying they were bad seed makers,but ive grown a few of their strains and they were good but i had jack herer which was better and romulin was all around but it got boring,now i see romulin is the must have strain again.i think his strains are popular amongst the internet followers,but very few smokers i know or knew cared about names like they do today.so bros grimm has a very big cult following,and that 9/10th of the law.
Quality is 10/10th of the law in my books and allot of killer genetics came out of the house of GRIMM. They used others strains with some of their own but without question I have come to find that they had an uncanny gift when it came to selection and excelled because of it. Most experienced growers even on RIU know and respect the quality of strains such as APOLLO or CINDY lines. Allot of quality breeders that know their biz would give their left nut(or left tit for that matter) just to have the opportunity or even possibility of working with these "REGULAR NON FEM" strains. I'm honored to have the opportunity and hold the utmost respect for what the GRIMMS accomplished, and hope that I can carry the torch so to say and add a touch of VonDank style to the works...
Quality is 10/10th of the law in my books and allot of killer genetics came out of the house of GRIMM. They used others strains with some of their own but without question I have come to find that they had an uncanny gift when it came to selection and excelled because of it. Most experienced growers even on RIU know and respect the quality of strains such as APOLLO or CINDY lines. Allot of quality breeders that know their biz would give their left nut(or left tit for that matter) just to have the opportunity or even possibility of working with these "REGULAR NON FEM" strains. I'm honored to have the opportunity and hold the utmost respect for what the GRIMMS accomplished, and hope that I can carry the torch so to say and add a touch of VonDank style to the works...
it just seems everything has bros grim genetics in it whether bog whether tga whether half a dozen other,i have done some cindys and appolos,they were quick finishers but the high was not as advertised,nor the length.but it just seems every one is useing bros grim,ive had better luck finding things with the jack herer my self,but to each their own.
The reason they have been used is due to the quality. I love Jack but not a great producer in or out. Alot of the stuff is so watered down because of multiple crosses. Thats not what I have or will be working with. The Brothers Grimm I have is the complete original base line(non-femmed-----non-watered down). I understand your position and appreciate the post but it Really doesn't apply or is relative to the pure genitics i'm working with in the BG line... I also have a very uniqe strain that was a test of their's. (WW x AK-47) x(Ak-47) They were trying to make White Russion stronger. We have germed 10 of each strain and all but 4 germed. I'm sooooooooooo excited...
You said you liked JACK trapper... What is your fav and what are you growing now?.
i dont have any single"name" strain,i had a collection of hybrids that i mixed and matched with pollen that evolved into 4 or 5 keepers that flourished in my cold damp enviroment.they all are as tough as moose hide lol.but i wont be growing anything for about another 2 months because of health.they have some jack in them,2 strains are more sativa 3 are more indica.
Nice. Hope your health improves soon so you can get into the garden. I was kind of surprised that such a large percentage of the seeds cracked but they were stored in an air-tite container that had a layer of dried white rice in the bottom. Great way to store seeds of any-KIND for the long term. It's going tp take a few months before the strains start to show phenotypes but will post some pics in a month or so. That's when the fun will start...
Nice. Hope your health improves soon so you can get into the garden. I was kind of surprised that such a large percentage of the seeds cracked but they were stored in an air-tite container that had a layer of dried white rice in the bottom. Great way to store seeds of any-KIND for the long term. It's going tp take a few months before the strains start to show phenotypes but will post some pics in a month or so. That's when the fun will start...
good to hear the seeds made it,rice aye,gotta try it.
S1's would be amazing.. I think u should do S1's then crosses, so people can have the original genetics.
Yes-great point. I'm going to stay true to the strains and not introduce other genetics. I'm keeping very meticulous records of phenos and growth patterns and will have to see what grows out. Can't wait to see how they do in flower and the smell, taste and potency of the finale medicine. It's kinda like taking a trip back in time(lol).
ah I misread your first post, sorry about that. I thought you were saying you were to take BG's genetics and crossbreed them out. If you come up with S1's for Genius, Princess, and A11.. I would love to see a PM from you sir.
What in the world are you guys talking about? Everything I read went completely went over my head. Are you guys taking about creating or breeding seeds?
Not yet. I'm growing out 25% of each strain and checking all the phenotypes/growth patterns/checking and logging data. That's going to take a few months before we decide the direction we are going to go with it. I have a few of my own strains that have worked out great, You've probably seen some of them on this site. If the BG line turns out great we would more than likely set-up a very small shop in a legal country and go from there. Should have some pics up in a month once they start to show their growth traits.
Not yet. I'm growing out 25% of each strain and checking all the phenotypes/growth patterns/checking and logging data. That's going to take a few months before we decide the direction we are going to go with it. I have a few of my own strains that have worked out great, You've probably seen some of them on this site. If the BG line turns out great we would more than likely set-up a very small shop in a legal country and go from there. Should have some pics up in a month once they start to show their growth traits.

I wish I could work for you on this one.. I would love to be able to touch this kind of history (I am too young to have ever seen any of BG's original strains).

Yeah I have seen your Orange Krush I do believe, looked like I wanted some. lol.

Sounds good!