Height question


Active Member
In my room i have about a maximum of 5.5 feet to work with. What would be the best way for me to optimize my plants? Can i control how tall the plants will grow? by say putting them into 12/12 when they are a foot tall? or is that too soon? my area is 12feet long 5 ft wide and 3-6 feet tall......(sloping ceiling). I figure i can grow about 20-25 plants if i can keep them short. but I am curious as to what kind of effects this will have on the overall quality and yield of the plant. Thanks in advance for the help!!!


Well-Known Member
stick with indica dominant, they are shorter. from what I have read plants can triple during flower, so do the math and start flower at that height. so maybe start flower at a foot and a half? it's more or less something you're gonna have to work with and dial in for your particular situation.


Well-Known Member
You can flower at 1ft tall, some people use 12/12 from seed and their plants never get over 2 feet tall. But I wouldn't expect a great yield if you do it. You can keep any plant short though with the right amount of training and light. I have a 2 month old plant thats under 1ft tall from LST training.


Well-Known Member
sativa plants seem to grow ALOT faster than indicas in my experience. I did some LST on two plants and the sativa dominant is getting super bushy, while the indica is recovering very slow


Well-Known Member
hey pot soldier I have some Hindu Kush plants that are great. WW is excellent. There are a lot of great indicas. Personally I like the Sativa high better.

growin4myhead - you can use indicas they usually stay 3 to four feet. Or set up a ScrOG (Screen Of Green) that will keep your height low. You will not need as many plants either. If you do a Sea Of Green (SOG) you can shove in your 20+ plants and just do that. The yeild will be smaller on a small plant than a big plant. I have heard that if you flower early and keep the plants short that way that quality is slightly affected. I've never done that so I con't speak about it personally ask others about that. You can start a few plants and keep some mothers and make clones to fill the space. that way your plant will always be fully mature. If you have mothers you can keep making clones and every time you finish flowering you can put more in if you like the high. If not get more seeds and keep going. This way you also never lose good genetics.

Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks for all of the info.... I have a bunch of seeds for "white widow" coming and according to what i have read here and on the net they grow to about 3-4 feet at full maturity. can anyone in here confirm this? I have no problem growing the plant to full height if 4 feet is its max!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the info.... I have a bunch of seeds for "white widow" coming and according to what i have read here and on the net they grow to about 3-4 feet at full maturity. can anyone in here confirm this? I have no problem growing the plant to full height if 4 feet is its max!


Yeah white widow is usually in the three to four foot range.