height of lights


Active Member
Hey folks
If i leave the lights in the vegetative stage quite low would the plant become more bushy? Because i understand if you keep raising the lights it shall become tall and dangly.
I know i have to eventually raise them but i thought if i leave them quite low they will have a good base and build upwards?


from what ive experienced, yes it will help keep them short. but whats important here is the type of lights your using. inadequate lighting and the plant will still grow tall as its not recieving the light it needs. if you have a very powerful light that give out lots of lumens and usable spectrums than you benefit from lowering the light because the closer the light is the more lumens the plant gets, careful not to burn them! the general rule of thumb for closet grows is - put them as close as you possibly can without burning them.
everything else is decided by strain and pruning techniques. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
With CFLs you can put the plants as close to the light as you want as long as they don't touch each other.
With a 1,000 watt HPS, you need a couple of feet between the plants and the light, and a fan blowing over the canopy wouldn't be a bad idea either.


Active Member
yea i was just reading that thread saying 600s are ideal due to the lumens or something? would 3x600s be better then 2x1000s u think.
The Cfls are low to the plants atm. Does changing to HPS increase the grow speed? sorry for the dumb questions i am a newb


New Member
here we go again 3 - 600's = 1800 watts 2 1000 = 2000 watts

3 600's = 88,000 lumens x 3
2 -1000's he 140,000 x 2:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
you dont really need more than about 7000 lumens per square foot (for optimum results)

10 000 if ya heat allows it, but wont get a big difference going from 7000, going over 10 000 lumens and you get much more heat than extra growth.

2 600 are better than 1 1000, yes.