height issue


hi all, (first time grow) can anyone tell me if my plants are gonna grow more? i have had them a week into `12/12 cycle and they have grown about 6" standing about 3 feet tall !!! i don't have muxh more room height wise with my lighting....i have two fems about 24" from the light and understand i shouldn't allow less distance than that. are they gonna grow taller?? i can't raise my light up anymore, and am afraid to top or do anything like that..... any suggestions?


bud bootlegger
usually a plant will double or triple in size from the time it goes from veg to flowering... usually the first two or three weeks of flower is commonly referred to as the stretch phase of a plant.. after that, it usually doesn't grow too much vertically...
you can always perform some lst or supercropping in flowering.. i love supercropping and it can gain me back plenty of height so that i don't have to worry about the lights getting to close anymore.. if they get close again, i just simply supercrop them some more so that it's not a problem anymore..


I typically will have my girls almost double in size when they go from veg into flower...Im going through height issues too:) But mine r outside:) U can check out different methods growers use to deal with height...I seen this on different site "growweedeasy.com"GOOD LUCK

Control Your Cannabis Grow Pattern with Bending
The last technique besides cutting your plant is to actually 'bend' it over so that parts of the plant are horizontal, and hold down the branches by tying them to something or using weights. Basically you're training the plant to grow the way you want, like a marijuana bonsai tree. By training the plant slowly and taking care not to hurt you plant (you don't want to pinch or snap any of the branches), you can get a plant that conforms to any shape that you want.
If I am growing two strains of marijuana, and one tends to be taller than the other, I'll bend over the taller one as much as 90 degrees so that it is the same height as the shorter plant. This allows a more even distribution of light and the the whole stem of the bend plant will get equal access to the light. Eventually all the buds on a bent branch will start growing upward toward the light. After initially bending your plant, growth will be slowed for few days as the plant recovers.
In addition, one of the natural reactions to being extremely bent over is the marijuana plant will stop trying to grow upward as much. As a result, all the lower branches will start getting more bushy. Bending your marijuana plants is a great way to maximize a small amount of vertical room.
This site has a great explanation for one way to bend/train your plant.
Cannabis Control Techniques Which Involve Cutting Your Plant

As far as methods that involve actually cutting the plant, you have two options. One is to 'top' the plant and one is to 'FIM' the plant. If you choose to use either of these methods, you will want to do it when the plant is young, usually when it has around 3-5 total nodes formed. Your plant will need some time spent recovering in the vegetative stage after cutting/topping/FIMing. You do not want to use any cutting method on your plant if it is in flowering (or is close to flowering) because it will cause too much stress for your marijuana plant when it should be focusing on making buds. If your plant is already too tall, you will instead want to try bending your plant to control its height, and try to change it to flowering as soon as it recovers from being bent.

Topping the plant means cutting of the marijuana plant at the stem under the newest node, directly above the leaves of the second node. So you cut off the stem right above it's second set of leaves from the top. This will cause your plant to transfer its energy to what is now the new top node. Your plant will react by making four main colas out of the new top node. The plant will also tend to grow bushier as a result and spread its energy around to the whole plant instead of just focusing on one main cola.

FIM stands for "Fuck I Missed" referring to the fact that it's like topping your plant, only you're taking off less. FIMing is when you simply pinch off the newest growth, or cut just the tips of the newest growth off. This is much less traumatic to the plant and will still cause you to have four main nodes, but won't tend to cause your plant to get as bushy as if you actually topped it.
Here's a site with pictures that shows you exactly where to cut in order to FIM and top your plant.


thanks for the reply, i'm a newbie and trying to keep it really simple so i don't get too discouraged :) i would take some pics to show you but they are sleeping now... can you tall me more about supercropping? could i fuck it up? or is it pretty easy...sorry to be so dumb.


Kay, Thank you!! really good info!!! i'm just scared to fuck something up since this is my first grow :) but i'm thinking i need to do something soon....ugh!!! i don't wanna mess it up!


btw, my plant has about 7-9 nodes...not sure if this is good or not, and the leaves are fucking huge!!!


I did super cropping...pinching..Ive also chopped main cola..I did the pinching/bending and still do it every few days to develop elbows which help with supporting the colas..check out my post


bud bootlegger
I did super cropping...pinching..Ive also chopped main cola..I did the pinching/bending and still do it every few days to develop elbows which help with supporting the colas..check out my post
i prefer supercropping over topping to be honest because no matter what anyone tells you, when you top a plant, you're always going to be losing that bud that you cut off to top the plant, regardless of how much bigger any other bud sites may get..
with supercropping, your not losing anything at all, which simply makes more sense to me..
i'll find some videos on supercropping for you and post them here in a few..


bud bootlegger
here's a pretty good run down on supercropping...[video=youtube;2FmXHhKFA5U]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FmXHhKFA5U[/video]


bud bootlegger
i sneak in once in awhile when they're sleeping and take a few pix of them.. i don't think it does them any harm being exposed to the flash for a second like that, and i've never had any issues like hermying or what have you from doing so.. i don't do it all of the time mind you, but once in awhile, i don't think it hurts a thing.. no worse than lightening one would get outdoors in the natural environment in my opinion..
not only that, but they tend to look much better when the lights are off as well... it can just be fun trying to find what you're wanting to take a picture of when the lights are off, lol...


IMAG0619(2).jpgIMAG0559.jpgI did both guess I ll see which I prefer..I tried different methods this grow because I wanted to find what I prefered...Thing is I found out one of my girls Hawaiian Snow DOES not like topping and can be counter productive. Sometimes depends on strain I think too..have noticed difference in growth with clones from same mother just did bending on one n topped other...WILL SEE

I remember someone told me too that topping can create a "open" spot for (mold-fungas)spores to adhere since they r everywhere in the air,seems true:)



bud bootlegger
View attachment 1702772View attachment 1702771I did both guess I ll see which I prefer..I tried different methods this grow because I wanted to find what I prefered...Thing is I found out one of my girls Hawaiian Snow DOES not like topping and can be counter productive. Sometimes depends on strain I think too..have noticed difference in growth with clones from same mother just did bending on one n topped other...WILL SEE

I remember someone told me too that topping can create a "open" spot for (mold-fungas)spores to adhere since they r everywhere in the air,seems true:)
see, this is another reason why i'm not the hugest fan of topping tbh.. some strains are known to grow more of one big top cola and not as much on the sides, so if you were to top one of these strains, you'd really be shooting yourself in the foot for sure.. plus, like i said, i'll never understand how cutting of tops is ever going to increase yields.. i know the science behind it and all, granted, idk.. just not always my favorite training tech for sure..
lst is a much better option imho as you're not removing any tops or the like.. same as super cropping, and pretty much all strains respond to lst or supercropping.. some do take better to lst better than other, but they're all pretty open to it ime..


bud bootlegger
if you ever see in a strain description that is says perfect for sea of green setups, i'd really think twice about doing any form of topping to them..