Height Expectation


Active Member
How tall can I expect a plant be at harvest time if it is grown indoors hydroponically? I'm trying to get a good feel for how much room I will need for my grow station....


double to triple the size it is when you start flowering it.


Well-Known Member
to add to russor... it really depends on how long you veg the plants. a properly running hydro system might grow 2 foot plants in a month of veg. so you are looking at potentially 5-6 feet without LSTing, FIMing or topping.


Active Member
Also, I have heard the growing hydroponically will result in the plants being more stout, is this true? (I'm very new to planting and am trying to figure out the best setup.)


Well-Known Member
That would depend on the plant more so than the method of growing. If you look at my grow log you will see that out of 12 plants started together hydroponically some ended up twice the height and width of others. BTW... 3 of one plant and the rest free seeds from seedbank.


Well-Known Member
My biggest was 14 inches when flowerd 2.3 weeks into flowering and its 2 foot 6 inches now.


Active Member
so if im trying to stay around four feet or so around harvest time, and @ 18 inches in the fourth or fifth week, is flowering an option at this point, or am i super off? im using a 150w hps in a large bucket with a bitchin air pump and 2 airstones and a drip irrigation pump for 15 min every hour and 45min. shes happy! in a 2 1/2' X 2 1/2' area.

any input would be helpful

Peace is Unity


Active Member
so if im trying to stay around four feet or so around harvest time, and @ 18 inches in the fourth or fifth week, is flowering an option at this point, or am i super off? im using a 150w hps in a large bucket with a bitchin air pump and 2 airstones and a drip irrigation pump for 15 min every hour and 45min. shes happy! in a 2 1/2' X 2 1/2' area.

any input would be helpful

Peace is Unity:peace:


Well-Known Member
You could flower now. (Which I would do) To be safe and not worry about running out of room. What strain is it?


Active Member
so if im trying to stay around four feet or so around harvest time, and @ 18 inches in the fourth or fifth week, is flowering an option at this point, or am i super off? im using a 150w hps in a large bucket with a bitchin air pump and 2 airstones and a drip irrigation pump for 15 min every hour and 45min. shes happy! in a 2 1/2' X 2 1/2' area.

any input would be helpful

Peace is Unity


Active Member
HAHAHA! between the time i wrote that and when you replied, i had switched the timer over to 12/12... thanks! its super silver haze. got a clone as a gift. im super stoked about this one. ill get some pics up sooner or later.
So should i up the nutrient levels at all or stay the same? (its really chem. balanced, and nutrient levels have been fine for veg thus far.)


Well-Known Member
What are you using for nutes? If you have a flowering or bloom nute I would start to use that after I flushed the plant for a day or two of just plain water. Then start out at 1/4 strength per the bottle's instructions.


Active Member
Im using bc grow and bc boost. im gonna replace the water and go to bed. you have been most helpful man. thanks! ill see u around

Peace is Unity