
Well-Known Member
Just got 2 plants plugged into her. used the design form the internet, 11 plant 2 liter bottle ebb and flo. i flooding ever 2 hours for 15 min in tire mulch. right now it just 2 clones that are a few weeks into flower. heat has been bad so i will experiment with these guys till fan get here. it better work great or i goinf to a mortar tray flood becasue this shis going to be a nightmare for maintenace. it looks good tho. i got sme time i am waiting for northern lights seeds. i see some probs with this and the leaks are a nightmare! get one and another comes thru. cool l hope:joint:



Well-Known Member
lights went on an hour ago. i see the plants survived. i hope so, my plants do notoriously bad ay transplants already. also i heard that the green plastic helps so that the roots wont mind any light. hope so i like seeing them grow. also any body have any idea how long it takes seeds and how i should store them aftoer i harvest them? They sure are pretty fresh! black and gold!


Well-Known Member
any comments? tick tick tick. still waiting for drama after lights on. to confuse spies, that'll be in 100 min. the last pic up there is vegger. looks good dont she. bag seed. indica i guess. i smoked her mom, harvest her early and mid as i did a BAD job of raising her and man what a good high. Heat was my prob. i just got a ppm meter and it looks like i was ok on nutes. hard to tell it is a crappy ppmmeter. they look good, damn this timer bad.


Well-Known Member
ine girl was good! One girl was frickin dead. slumped over. i dont know why. maybe root damage, maybe over watering, idk. i put an airstone actually in the 2 liter bottle of the one surviving plant. but i gotta say the smell of the glue i think is noxious and killing me i think. i feel a little weird, lol.


Well-Known Member
MMM.. I would wait for the glue to dry and air out completely I think. :) Very interesting setup... I am not sure I would go that route but that looks cool. Ive been playing with dwc bubblers and hempy. Really like the DWC, almost no medium and hydroton can be washed and reused. Hempy grows good too but the perlite isn't really reusable.


Well-Known Member
the girl is growing back. i let glue dry days! yeah this a weird system. must be good for something. i wated 50 bucks on it i guess. want to get a tray, i got a mortar tray i might just throw on top. i trying to raise some cash t get a good tray. i a med patient on budget. i did the dwc route but i thought if i gonna waste the elctrcity of the lights anyway i shold get the system that gets the most oxygen to the plants. i have aero stuff ready i think but i wanna wrok out the kinks more. i could go dwc agaun, it sure is easy! after writing this i might. dwc like money in bank and i playing the ppnies with these sytems. it interesting the dying girl picked back up. i think it was thirsty. i put the light and the pump on when lights came on and wow. curious. it is tie mulch and after 2 hours it ok. other plant did fine. no shock looking. it was a rough transplant.


Well-Known Member
this system kinda like that 400 system that fills each buckett individually. the 2 liters fill up every 2 hours then they drain. it kinda big for the light. 40 inch or so long. i hope and advantage might be the roots can seep into the tubes if they need room. idk. not that impt i guess. i just saw a guy do an ounce a plant in cke cans. that right CANS. lol. cfls and dirt. lol. anyway. . . hope they do allright. sany bofy think i should add a water cycle in dark to keep plants good. yesterday 1 day after transplant 1 plant did fine, one was so in nee of drink it looked dead. but the light with a fan and a water cycle fixed her right up. i worried. why not put one water cycle in dark. Please, any help?


Well-Known Member
I don't think it would hurt.. but I have never tried ebb & Flow. Why not try it for a few nights and see if it works? The plants in Hydro respond really quick to changes I notice, so I am sure it could be corrected quickly if the dark watering was a problem... OR what about a flood cycle right before lights out??


Well-Known Member
i got it flooding at light on then evey 2 hours then at lights out. i got airstone in each 2 liter. it looks cool! i swear i saw gorwth on plants already. must get a lotta oxygen. with light on after 2 hours of no water the medium still wet. so maybe it ok matbe 1 cycle. i know it might promote bad growth like algi or rot. too wet! matbe tho. i try one more like this then it let it go. wish i knew how dry medium can get. No one else using tire mulch.


Well-Known Member
Shoot.. Hydro in general is way faster than soil. In my little 64oz dwc's I see more growth daily..LOL It is crazy. Im not sure how much water tire mulch holds... are you using rockwool in there too? I think the algae/mold problems are specific to rockwool.


Well-Known Member
same probs with the plants last night, they wole up all slumped. so i fig it gotta be needing more water. i think i gotta cucle it at night. if not that it gotta be needing more in light time hours but it dont look like that. ill try and see. my northenr light seeds got here today. out go the old plants and in go the new. gotta get this worked. ill be using a 400 wat metal conversion bulb foe the first part og their life!


Well-Known Member
looks good i see what you were talking about with using a styrofoam cooler piece to float the plants on. How are you moving air out of the hood with just one side ducted?


Well-Known Member
lol, u mean my dwc veg cab, yeah that is a seperate chamber. it really is just an impormtu veg cab. i cut holes in the styro for net pots. that is the clone i put into veg. i put the others straight to flower.. in their previous home they did good. it wasa dwc chamber. they flourish in thsi one i light son but something happens at night. i guess ineed to glood at night in tire mulch. i am waiting for the inline fans and charcoal filter. the light is vented with just a 6 inch duct dan and that pullss all the air temp of the room. i mean like that it stays the temp of the putside room an du can get a foot away. i have a 6 inch inline fan coming, it is huge!


Well-Known Member
i figured it out, lol. It's amazing. i've never sen growth like thi! the plants took off inches. hehe, theyelook as good as they can be expected to look after what happened to them. I water every hour for 15 minutes with an aistone in ach 2 liter bottle. even in night. this is tire mulch media. it works wonders since i got it right. thank tou all for veiwing. i gotta go germ my northern lights!


Well-Known Member
i figured it out, lol. It's amazing. i've never sen growth like thi! the plants took off inches. hehe, theyelook as good as they can be expected to look after what happened to them. I water every hour for 15 minutes with an aistone in ach 2 liter bottle. even in night. this is tire mulch media. it works wonders since i got it right. thank tou all for veiwing. i gotta go germ my northern lights!

How is it doing now??? You got pics of progress or a journal?? This is probably one of the strangest setups Ive seen..LOL But if it works more power to you. :) Here is my journal I finally started. Tues/wed it gets an update as It will be 5wks flowering. I have to say that hydro kicks ass. Ive never seen growth like this in soil... and I did soil for a while.

anywho, heres my journal: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/125191-someguys-grow-journal.html