heellpp!! ... smell


Well-Known Member
ever since this thing has been budding its started to stink up my house. i need some good tips, and DONT say carbon filters. please any help would be great :)
whats wrong with carbon filters? oh shit I said it... anyway you can make your own from replacement activated carbon filters, two peices of duct, some screen, and some duct tape, all found at the home depot. cost like 15 dollars total, why not brotha?
aiight true say. the only reason oi said that was cuz i didnt want to go out spendin lots of flow on some huge contraption. thanks all. right now i just set up a personal air filter n its doin alright.
1 startin 2. dank bud smells alot. but mines not concealed very good. keep it sealed up n use some sir fresheners n u should b fine
you say you are using a personal air filter? haha dude that most likely IS a carbon filter! activated carbon is what is used for filtration in tons of random filtration systems, personal and commercial alike.
hang dryer sheets around it helps alot....2 plants shouldnt smell too much but a little fab sheets wont hurt...
AIR REFRESHENER AND FEBREEZE , ANYTHING PERFUME. in my opinion i leave something behind my fan, so when my fan sucks in the air to exhale it smells like perfume.
what I love is that someone wont go spend 40 bucks to build a shit carbon filter for the 2 plants they got but arent at all worried about the cost of getting busted.

Dude seriously, a computer fan can be had for 5-10 bucks, some HVAC parts for another 10-15 bucks and some screen, filter material and hell even the crappy not really work too great aquarium carbon for what, 6 bucks?

There are places you can buy the correct carbon in as little as 10 pound bags for 2.50 a pound. If you have a filter you make for say 20 bucks and spend 30 on the a bag of carbon, you can grow shit for a year and never have a problem.

Dryer sheets cost 7 bucks a box and wont last you for shit.
yeh .. well i found i had an old personal air filter lyin around so i have that with a dryer sheet in it and it working pretty good