Heavy rain on my 1nch plants!


New Member
Ok I also posted this in the outdoor section but i need help fast and realised this was a newb question! I have heavy rain just started and will be raining like this for 1week+. My first grow of 20, (now at 1inch) is in danger! what to do!? how can I shelter them without blocking off sunlight? I have very limited resource as I live with the folks! plus I can get to them more than once a day max!


Well-Known Member
Let mother nature take it's course. The very hardy plants will survive. If you really can't stand that idea, maybe soda bottle cut and turned upside down and pressed into the soil? Make sure to punch some holes for air.


New Member
To you mean with the cap end up and open to let the plant have a little water and oxygen or the bottom just to completely block it off? will the light go through a see-through plastic bottle and still be sufficient ?


Well-Known Member
absolutely, especially for new plants. Use the bottoms and poke some holes for air. make sure you can push them into the ground a bit so a wind won't blow them over. If you are in soft soil, it should be ok. Make sure no labels on plastic bottles, they stick out like sore thumbs in the woods.


Yes the light will penetrate the bottle no problem. Just use that as a temporary solution as you dont want the plants growing into the sides for long... promotes mold and other fungal problems. I would say he probably meant to have the cap end up with the cap on. Punch some holes i nthe sides to let the air in and out... small holes I would say about the size of a screwdriver.


New Member
I just had an idea, What If I got a box and put it over all the plants and roofed it with gladwrap? (i duno if gladwrap is just the name for it in NZ if so its like that see-through paper you buy to wrap lunches and what not) the gladwrap would withstand the rain and let in light and also i'd put air holes in the side of the box? good idea? patient? haha