Heavy defoliate before flipping 12/12


Active Member
Loads of airflow bro!! I defoliate regularly mate also and keep humidity at 40/45 max
Do u strip through out flower? I stripped heavily days before flip and planning to do another day 17-21. I’m afraid I put these girls through so much stress they might hermie. Here’s some pics before flip and today day 7 flower. U think I can get away with stripping stripping some bottom fan leaves without stressing them out?


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Do u strip through out flower? I stripped heavily days before flip and planning to do another day 17-21. I’m afraid I put these girls through so much stress they might hermie. Here’s some pics before flip and today day 7 flower. U think I can get away with stripping stripping some bottom fan leaves without stressing them out?
You will stress the plants less,if you pluck several leaves a day over a period of time vs striping them all naked in one shot.