Heating for growroom


Active Member
:-?my minds startin to baffle me on how to keep my growroom at a warm temprature instead of using sheets to keep my box im growing in warm at night times SO i have a thermostated heater that blows warm air or cold air and was thinking could i use this thermostat heater inside my growroom being as it throws out warm air ??? ive heard radiators are good but i only have a 3 ft square grow space and was thinkin of making another larger grow space so i can install this to keep them warm?? or would the heat blowin out do somethin major to my plants?thanx
I have a low power heater like 800 watt, but what I did was shift my lights on schedule to night time when it is coldest. Seems to be working so far. I still have my heater ready too. Also I have a humidifier which produces warm moist air and that helps too. Still on th equest for the best solution though. Good luck.

I essentially have a grow tent made out of mylar and that helps with heat retention too.


Active Member
i let them sleep at night because i live in a area where they like to fly there helicopters if u get what i mean and its best to have lights on in day for me rather than night being as heat signatures can be seen more at night because cold temperatures i just guess there easy to spot..temps hittin at lowest about 20 celsius by the morning so id say thats about fine as it is unless thats a bit low ..


Well-Known Member
Run your lights at night yr round, if your are running an open ventilation system.
Radiator heaters are the best I've worked with but your space limits this option. There are many small heaters out there, if the heater you have blows air with no light signature (glowing coils) and can be controlled by space temp then use it.


Active Member
i just keep my roots warm at night...i also have a problem with cold plants and it dont matter if i have my lights on at night and off in the day... i live in a place were there is alot of airborn pollin so i only grow in the winter while all the outside plants are gone covered in snow...i use a root warmer...its a waterproof electric heating pad that you place under ur plants...and keeps my room at 69f ...so i hope that helps ya out.


Active Member
great tips guys ....even my mate had told me by using a heatmat its a perfect combination for warmth at night so will get on that!


Active Member
great tips guys ....even my mate had told me by using a heatmat its a perfect combination for warmth at night so will get on that!
wait n see what ur roots do...if ur a soil guy u cant really see but warm roots are happy roots ( not "hot" roots...."warm" roots)


Active Member
im a compost guy but thinking about it i think compost keeps a little bit of heat in itself not really sure of that but thanks anyway


Active Member
ps...fish heads are a good thing to put in ur compost....even if u dont eat fish buy some (or catch) an toss it in the mix.


Well-Known Member
i let them sleep at night because i live in a area where they like to fly there helicopters if u get what i mean and its best to have lights on in day for me rather than night being as heat signatures can be seen more at night because cold temperatures i just guess there easy to spot..temps hittin at lowest about 20 celsius by the morning so id say thats about fine as it is unless thats a bit low ..
I believe 20c is just under 70F right? if so then you dont need a heater or heat mat. cannabis will be fine as low as 60degrees (15 celsius) so youre fine.

my plants routinely hit 62 or so degrees every night and they are more than healthy.


Active Member
themanwiththeplan u are a genius lol 20 is just about what it hits by morning time so shall not bother going and buying stuff that cost a bomb but wouldnt really need .thanks


Well-Known Member
themanwiththeplan u are a genius lol 20 is just about what it hits by morning time so shall not bother going and buying stuff that cost a bomb but wouldnt really need .thanks
no problem man. cold temps are good in that range...if you have a strain that turns colors (ie. purple) it will do just that in those types of temps so its not a bad idea to let it get cold anyway. it could make your harvest beautiful to look at.

you only reach the danger zone once you grow below 58 degrees or so. then you risk stress on the plant but 60s is more than fine.


Active Member
no problem man. cold temps are good in that range...if you have a strain that turns colors (ie. purple) it will do just that in those types of temps so its not a bad idea to let it get cold anyway. it could make your harvest beautiful to look at.

you only reach the danger zone once you grow below 58 degrees or so. then you risk stress on the plant but 60s is more than fine.
good call... if i didnt have a mat my floor temp would be at 56...with the mat at night it is at 69 but im a grow in the snow guy my temps are way dif.
i let them sleep at night because i live in a area where they like to fly there helicopters if u get what i mean and its best to have lights on in day for me rather than night being as heat signatures can be seen more at night because cold temperatures i just guess there easy to spot..temps hittin at lowest about 20 celsius by the morning so id say thats about fine as it is unless thats a bit low ..

.. I would suggest moving to another country/state from the Nazi state you live in right now... :)

..or you can just get LED light and tell them to F**k Off...:)


what kind of heater would you guys recommend for my new, and first room? its 8x8 with 8'3 ceiling. live in Washington state the north eastern side, and temps are really cold now. my room is insulated, but the shop its in isn't. I have a dirt floor, and still need to get exhaust fan and oscilating fan. I have a 1K light and ballast, wth the XXXL 8" hood

