Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

PEOPLE,put the joint/bong/and or pipe down and step away slowly. You ppl are thee laziest and uneducated stoners i have come across. All of these questions have been asked several times throughout this glorius grow and keeps refering to reading the whole fucking journal to answer their own questions. And another thing,the same ppl that can't do their own research to find an answer to their simpleness are the ones putting liberals into office just because they're gonna 'legalize marijuana' YOURE ALL SHEEP,SHEEP,SHEEP
PEOPLE,put the joint/bong/and or pipe down and step away slowly. You ppl are thee laziest and uneducated stoners i have come across. All of these questions have been asked several times throughout this glorius grow and keeps refering to reading the whole fucking journal to answer their own questions. And another thing,the same ppl that can't do their own research to find an answer to their simpleness are the ones putting liberals into office just because they're gonna 'legalize marijuana' YOURE ALL SHEEP,SHEEP,SHEEP

thank you for saying it.. +rep
putting liberals into office just because they're gonna 'legalize marijuana

Yea, it appears Obama lied to everyone about this issue as well! And then when marijuana law reform was voted the #1 issue by everyone, he insulted us and made a mockery of us on national tv! He was a admitted smoker himself! What a freaking hypocrite! If he had ever been caught, he would NEVER been in the position he is in now, NEVER! He has lost my support, as well as millions of others who believe our marijuana laws are absurd! Oh yea, and the feds are still raiding medical dispenseries!!!

Anyway, this is such an awesome setup and yield! Thank you for sharing!
PEOPLE,put the joint/bong/and or pipe down and step away slowly. You ppl are thee laziest and uneducated stoners i have come across. All of these questions have been asked several times throughout this glorius grow and keeps refering to reading the whole fucking journal to answer their own questions. And another thing,the same ppl that can't do their own research to find an answer to their simpleness are the ones putting liberals into office just because they're gonna 'legalize marijuana' YOURE ALL SHEEP,SHEEP,SHEEP

fair play to ya m8, couldn't have said it better....i prob would do spellcheck tho if i was plannin to call peeps uneducated lol!


ps Heath u r a bastard, every time i promise myself im gonna chill out the plant numbers you do a fat vert and i get real twitchy. lush grow m8, not bad for a 4 banger whore.
PEOPLE,put the joint/bong/and or pipe down and step away slowly. You ppl are thee laziest and uneducated stoners i have come across. All of these questions have been asked several times throughout this glorius grow and keeps refering to reading the whole fucking journal to answer their own questions. And another thing,the same ppl that can't do their own research to find an answer to their simpleness are the ones putting liberals into office just because they're gonna 'legalize marijuana' YOURE ALL SHEEP,SHEEP,SHEEP
i asked about the flow control someone said its answered,it is not he says a valve on a t directs it to the vert and res for oxidization.in my experience as a fitter their are bout 60 valves,if someone wants more specific information is that wrong.just a normal butterfly valve,ball valve,flow conversion valve,their are also a bunch of new hydro specific valves,it just seems that 4000 lph is alot of push,and with out the right reduceing valve you will get a lot of friction and banging.i also would like the information concerning the timing of the clones,is that wrong to ask buddy,now that your the sheriff for heath,maybe i will ask you for permission before i ask hows that do ya boy.
PEOPLE,put the joint/bong/and or pipe down and step away slowly. You ppl are thee laziest and uneducated stoners i have come across. All of these questions have been asked several times throughout this glorius grow and keeps refering to reading the whole fucking journal to answer their own questions. And another thing,the same ppl that can't do their own research to find an answer to their simpleness are the ones putting liberals into office just because they're gonna 'legalize marijuana' YOURE ALL SHEEP,SHEEP,SHEEP

LMAO picture that!

someone who obviously can't spell and numerous grammatical errors telling other folks they are 'thee laziest and uneducated'

how ironic.

stop judging and pick up the blunt.

no question is a dumb question. not everybody wants to dig through a large/multi paged thread.

sometimes i wonder if some of you uptight arses smoke weed
Hi Heath wonderfull grow, I'm inspired, gonna have a go with something similar but have a couple of modifications and would like your opinion.
One idea is to make the spiral into rings and use solvent weld soilpipe bosses with rubber bungs and 40 mm tube to set the level of nutrient in the tube and to let the liquid to cascade straight down to the next level. the 40mm waste could be pushed up or down in the rubber bung to set the level of nutrient.
or to run a more simple nft spiral, using 100 mm electrical underground ducting that comes on a 50 metre lengths. its only 130 quid for a 50 metre spiral ,and there are no joints to leak anyway hope you have time to reply , bob
PEOPLE,put the joint/bong/and or pipe down and step away slowly. You ppl are thee laziest and uneducated stoners i have come across. All of these questions have been asked several times throughout this glorius grow and keeps refering to reading the whole fucking journal to answer their own questions. And another thing,the same ppl that can't do their own research to find an answer to their simpleness are the ones putting liberals into office just because they're gonna 'legalize marijuana' YOURE ALL SHEEP,SHEEP,SHEEP
LMAO picture that!

someone who obviously can't spell and numerous grammatical errors telling other folks they are 'thee laziest and uneducated'

how ironic.

stop judging and pick up the blunt.

no question is a dumb question. not everybody wants to dig through a large/multi paged thread.

sometimes i wonder if some of you uptight arses smoke weed

haha, thats what i'm saying. I don't know; i'm STONED so i must be an idiot and cannot read but i think the sites domain is www. R O L L I T U P . ORG "it" refering to marijuana, correct?

I just wanted to know his cleaning techniques b/c he runs the water 24/7 and the angle at which the down pipes rest at so i can mimic his water flow to get a correct DO. If you already mentioned that just tell me and i'll look harder but i don't have hours to read through all the threads i'm interested in, i apologize for having a life and a job to support my family. I will try to work less to provide less for my family so i can read more about growing weed; DUTCHFUNKLE.
My own belief is that Heath has abandoned us....There are so many unanswered questions. Heath comes in, through s up some bud porn, promises to answer the Q's, and he's down the street on his canna green Vespa before the door shuts.
My own belief is that Heath has abandoned us....There are so many unanswered questions. Heath comes in, through s up some bud porn, promises to answer the Q's, and he's down the street on his canna green Vespa before the door shuts.

Maybe there will be someone nice enough that has the knowledge and/or who has already spoken with heath to help answer our "stupid questions" as some of these kids are putting it.

Can you really blame the guy? Look at the retard-circus his thread became. :roll: Also, the grow was done like a month ago. Grow journal=done.

Your calling Heaths fans; whom he encouraged many people to grow using his style, a retarded-circus? WHAT PART OF THE GOVERMENT ARE YOU EMPLOYEED BY?

3-26-09 - Heaths last post - Grow journal done? he's still helping people out when he can; it seems as if he enjoys helping people.
Anyways who are you to speak for him? How do you americans say it? Your his lil bitch?

Sense, you can speak for him. How much DO is needed to keep a 2-4 foot plant healthly in a flooded set up?
Or, sense you probably can't answer that in the math form i want; how fast is the water flowing?
Maybe there will be someone nice enough that has the knowledge and/or who has already spoken with heath to help answer our "stupid questions" as some of these kids are putting it.

Your calling Heaths fans; whom he encouraged many people to grow using his style, a retarded-circus? WHAT PART OF THE GOVERMENT ARE YOU EMPLOYEED BY?

3-26-09 - Heaths last post - Grow journal done? he's still helping people out when he can; it seems as if he enjoys helping people.
Anyways who are you to speak for him? How do you americans say it? Your his lil bitch?

Sense, you can speak for him. How much DO is needed to keep a 2-4 foot plant healthly in a flooded set up?
Or, sense you probably can't answer that in the math form i want; how fast is the water flowing?

if i were him i wouldnt wanna answer the same questions over and over, and look at all the ops he has, hes a busy man.. if people wanna know bad enough they should read through everything first, thats why the info is there in text :bigjoint:

and to answer your question, water holds DO at different temperatures, so that is whats key in a setup like this..

water at about 65 degrees holds somewhere around 14 ppm of do, where 75 it holds about 10 ppm, and 85 about 6 ppm

the DO is not what is entirely important, yes it will promote more vigorous growth, and better root mass and structure, but the DO is not what keeps the plant healthy..

as water temps rise, it becomes a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria that cause root rot, and that is what makes your plant unhealthy.

you can have higher water temps, and if you treat it with beneficial treatments such as h202 or hydroguard, you can stave off bacterial infections.. but its much better to keep the temps down anways

Old frog how did it come to this old wise frog,why did we retards get so rapped up in this old wise frog.How old wise frog did it become a circus,you call that a journal old wise frog.He would of been better off just posting a how to build the circular water pipe system and leave it at that.he doesnt post for a month then next thing i hear he got over 2 pounds from a 600,end of story.maybe he did maybe he didnt,i wasnt their,and frankly i dont care,because the systym was a neat thing. but it really pisses me off when people like you label people with questions a retard,it tells me more about you then it does about the people you described.now im leaveing this circus old wise frog.
A big thanks to all of you who have kept this thread positive, as usual I am pushed for time but I will sit down tomorrow and answer all the unanswered questions, until then here are some pics of the latest run with new Viking clones.

If you get really bored have a look at my Black Rose thread as the only views it gets are from me!!! https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/177039-black-rose-seed-run.html :lol:




if i were him i wouldnt wanna answer the same questions over and over, and look at all the ops he has, hes a busy man.. if people wanna know bad enough they should read through everything first, thats why the info is there in text :bigjoint:

and to answer your question, water holds DO at different temperatures, so that is whats key in a setup like this..

water at about 65 degrees holds somewhere around 14 ppm of do, where 75 it holds about 10 ppm, and 85 about 6 ppm

the DO is not what is entirely important, yes it will promote more vigorous growth, and better root mass and structure, but the DO is not what keeps the plant healthy..

as water temps rise, it becomes a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria that cause root rot, and that is what makes your plant unhealthy.

you can have higher water temps, and if you treat it with beneficial treatments such as h202 or hydroguard, you can stave off bacterial infections.. but its much better to keep the temps down anways


I know about the temp math but the temp just gives you a # of a max number you can reach - 14 ppm . It doesn't hold that DO 24/7 unless it is promoted. Promotion by what Heath has already mastered. The angle at which his downpipes are set at and his recirculation, i'm guessing.

I don't think my 1-2 questions should upset people. And no my questions are not answered in this thread.
1- What angle are the downpipes set at?
2- it seems as if you do not clean it out before adding nutrients/water. Do you just let the water do the cleaning?

The key to all my grows is the fast recirculation of the water.

hope that helps.



very interesting Heath, so do you never change the res? just add nutes and water to it?

I change the nutrients every 2 weeks, I am using Vitalink at an EC of 1.

If this answers my question I don't understand it.
Would you change anything you did in the first round? IF so, what and why? Also do you have a design showing your dimensions before you put up the pipes?
Would you change anything you did in the first round? IF so, what and why? Also do you have a design showing your dimensions before you put up the pipes?

very interesting Heath, so do you never change the res? just add nutes and water to it?

forgot to also ask, how do you think this system will compare to your other vertical systems? do you think it will outperform the shelving style like i have and the tree grow?

FLoJo, smartsoverambition, quazzy10, smppro, CapnBud, TOKEMASTERFLEX, Hedgehunter, holmes, FunkyCamel, flamdrags420, themoose, SayWord, beginningbotanist420, smartbadguy, Earl, runsfromdacops, purplekitty7772008, Picasso345 and last but by no means least Blunted1.

My apologise for keeping you waiting while Ireturned from the dark side of the moon! :shock:

All the verticals I have built have the potential to hit the 2gpw mark, my last grow in the mini vertical very nearly did it so I am hoping I do it with this. This design could be easily scaled down to a 3ft internal diameter but I wouldnt reccomend going any smaller.

A 400l per hour pump is more than enough I run this one on a bypass to reduce the flow, one 600w is perfect for this system but it could easily run with 2x600w but It would benifit from another row. non of these things are set in stone and good results could be had from smaller dimensions and wattages.

just because i have read through this thread 100x now to make sure non of my questions were answered b/c of all you nice pot heads out there.
also, the deminsions are posted.