

Well-Known Member
so as per my jounal and posts

got a 600 watt hps
12 inch oselatig fan in my grow room but the temp is like 42?>

is that cool well obv not cool in the temp sence but cool as in ok or shoudl i get the rvk extracter setup?>


Active Member
Yes way to hot how are u plants not dead?? your temp shud be around 25 - 27 c deffo below 30 c


Well-Known Member
ok then il go take another reading now take a look at my journel they lok healthy as il left the room door open so should be cooler also u think the extractor will help!?


Active Member
Yes extractor definatly what are ambient temps out side grow roo
Do you not have a ac?
Have you not noticed any stress or slow growth


Active Member
Where is your thermometer u sure its not close to ur light put the thermometer at plant level if it is not already


Well-Known Member
lol we dont have ac mate not many peeps in uk do have that im affraid

and no no stress of slow growth ive been updating my journal thingy so il do summore pics when the light comes on

and its getting kida cold here now so the room should cool down but il get the rvk installed today would the ceiling be best to mount it in and duct to a small metal chimney thing wat goes out of roof or through the wall the the room into the spare room then out the window?


Active Member
Yes bro i fort u was in the desert in usa or somthink lol im in uk too are u sure your temps are that high? And its up to you where you are extracting to but straight outside would probly be your best bet. U didnt say where your thermometer was is it at plant level or close to light or at top of room?


Well-Known Member
sortov between plant and lights ill post pics wen light comes bak on in a few hrs say 2-3pm uk

was only a 1.99 thermomiter from the corner shop so maybe that il try a difrent one an compare tbh it dont feel to hot anyways wil post piks later


Active Member
Kk lower your themometer down to the plant level then see what temps are have you put rvk fan in?


Well-Known Member
Yes got it installed. I punched a hole thru the ceiling I have photos but how do I upload from iPhone? :0


Active Member
Ye thats better . You cant unless your jailbroken then if you are have a look on cydia for file upload i think its called


Well-Known Member
5 inch diameter

yeh phone is jailbroken
and with them temp gooing donw ive seen a increase in growth :) when the wife gets up il upload pictures from pc im not having pc on much its got a 1000 watt psu and the lekki is costing enough with the hps! lol il get em up in a cupple

i loverd the thermomenter too :)


Active Member
they looking good fort u had a 600 not a 1000 if it is how close is that 1000 ?? What strain you growing?


Well-Known Member
no it is a 600 i meant trying to save leki coz my pc runs a 1000 watt psu with the lites and other stuf in the house its getting kinda expensive on the old key meter!LOL

maybe 2 foot max above the plants gunna rig the water pump up next to save hand watering coz thats a pain


Active Member
Lol lazy that is ahh kool i want a 600 but dont think i could handle the heat in my tent :-(