heat too much please help


Active Member
my problem is that i have a small closet with three 2ft plants ready for flowering
was using a 250 blue envorolite to veg which does nt let off much heat but know i want to flower and want to get the most from my girls so want to change to hps but i cant drill holes in the closet and the temp is over 87 with the hps any advice greatly apricated
keep the closet door open when lights are on. get 2 or 3 fans and make sure you have your ac running in that room almost constantly. keep a good eye on temps
Hmmmmm, 87F really isn't fine. You should be aiming at 78F tops. You really need to find a way to exhaust the heat, which means you'll need more than just an open closet door and a few circulating fans. Is it possible to punch a hole in the door so you can set up an exhaust fan with ducting?

If you live in an apartment or something where you think you can't punch a hole in the wall because they'll charge you up the ass when you move out, don't let that discourage you. Go ahead and cut a clean square-sized hole where you need it. It's very easy to patch drywall, so you can fix it yourself when you move out. Places like Lowe's and Home Depot sell kits to fix holes in drywall for about $40, but you can easily do it yourself for even less. That's what I have done/am doing.

Besides, I really don't think you want to leave your closet door open not only because of security reasons, but because when you flower you're going to have to be there every day when the lights go off so you can close the door. With a good exhaust system you can just set it up and only open the doors when you need to water or feed (or take pictures).

Good luck.
Hmmmmm, 87F really isn't fine. You should be aiming at 78F tops. You really need to find a way to exhaust the heat, which means you'll need more than just an open closet door and a few circulating fans. Is it possible to punch a hole in the door so you can set up an exhaust fan with ducting?

If you live in an apartment or something where you think you can't punch a hole in the wall because they'll charge you up the ass when you move out, don't let that discourage you. Go ahead and cut a clean square-sized hole where you need it. It's very easy to patch drywall, so you can fix it yourself when you move out. Places like Lowe's and Home Depot sell kits to fix holes in drywall for about $40, but you can easily do it yourself for even less. That's what I have done/am doing.

Besides, I really don't think you want to leave your closet door open not only because of security reasons, but because when you flower you're going to have to be there every day when the lights go off so you can close the door. With a good exhaust system you can just set it up and only open the doors when you need to water or feed (or take pictures).

Good luck.

I also am renting and have cut two holes in my walls. One in my closet and one in my bathroom to vent the air outside. I painted everthing so you cant even tell its was done. When I move out all I need to do is patch t small 4 inch holes. Its worth it my temp are at 77f during the day and 65f at night. I didnt have the exhust my last gor and the was too much and my plants sucked
I also am renting and have cut two holes in my walls. One in my closet and one in my bathroom to vent the air outside. I painted everthing so you cant even tell its was done. When I move out all I need to do is patch t small 4 inch holes. Its worth it my temp are at 77f during the day and 65f at night. I didnt have the exhust my last gor and the was too much and my plants sucked
thanks guys for all the help but i think i have solved it i opened out the doors covered it with a non sticking maylar type sheeting put in an extra fan got a small extractor with a air pipe under the sheet put it out the window and eureka even
have doubled the size of the room good ventilation , even put in another 250 w red envorlite with hps and temps only at 80 so fingers crossed
oh ya and no holes in the wall !!!!!!!will post some pic in the next day or two
again thanks all
yes please post pics i am having trouble with temps as well.. i have a big light though for my little closet but i woudl still like to see how you are solving your heat problems!
If you don't want to have to patch, go to Home Depot and get a replacement door. They are cheap, easy to install, and come in all dimensions. Cut your venting holes in that (space as far away from each other as possible). When move out, simply put the original door back on.