heat stress


Well-Known Member
What? Distiled water? So you don't want your plants to have any food then....? Feed them! Water @ 6.3ph, this will give you a buffer either way if your meter is off, and give them some fuckin food! It looks like a P def. to me, and when you don't "feed them" and you water with water that has very little in it, this is what you get...They will bounce right back, but get them back on track with 2tsp per gallon grow, and 2tbls per gallon of water. I would even foliar feed them with a b vitamin supplement to help them bounce back. Get to it!


Well-Known Member
I don't use distiled water, it has no micro nutrients in it, it is sanitized! I can see the argument that by using distiled water, that your plants are not getting anything else then what you are feeding with nutes. But, I think it is a waste of money. Use your ta[ water and put a air pump in a res and boil the sucker. Even the debate over chlorine is debatable.....I don't know what the ph of distiled water "should be"...and I don't think I need to! It is so funny, for some reason I knew you were using FF products! I don't think you ever mentioned that....Anyhow, just follow there schedual and you will be right back on track.....GL


Well-Known Member
i thought about doing the foliar spary i picked it up too. Let me ask since i already changed the water out just a little bit ago if i add the full dose of nutes can i just add into my reserve ph test and adjust if necessary. See freakin distilled water lol always used tap in soil grow but where i live now the water is hard use a water softner lot of people talked up the distilled so i figured what heck but i know what you mean bout the macro nutrients not being in distilled. I switched it out with spring now thogh


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advise so you think even through this stress i should feed full strength

I think they are stressed, because of the lack of nutrient....


Well-Known Member
ok i see what you mean idiot attack sorry. here is something weird or atleast to me. At 300pm today i made my water with nutes phed it to 6.3 let it sit bout half hour checked again. maybe im to cautious oh well. checked ph again 6.3 solid no change. yes i shaked the gallon jug before ph test. put it in the ag base. checked ph at 630pm it was 7.1 added appropriate ph down(bought at hydro store not aquarium type) leveled out 6.3 again well i checked at 740 pm it was 6.9 up again of course again i leveled uot to 6.3 This is just the weirdest thing ever to me. Cant find nothing like it but got to thinking. Could the plant been locked up possibly toxic be letting of excess salts or whatever? Is this a good sign or bad thing cause i definately dont mind testing and correcting. Im just confused sorry to be such a newbie at this hydro stuff. Soil was a lot easyier use spring or tap water add some fox farm and you good to go Im going to add some add the other half nutes in just a couple min will be back on tommorrow


Well-Known Member
Ok i gave them the full nutes plant is loving it two of the fan leaves i think are too far gone to heal but not gonna mess with them. Didnt see it befor but she now has preflowers on the side branches. Thats right stressy is a girl yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
Im going to let her get a bit bigger though before going 12/12 probably a couple to three weeks more post pics sometime soon daddychris ty for all your help


Well-Known Member
The organic ingredients that are in the big bloom are not ph buffered, so you will always see a ph drift. Seems pretty radical though....I am truly not sure why you are seeing such swings in such a small period of time...The only thing that poped into my mind is that the temp of the water changed, and your ph meter was not compisating correctly...But even that is a radical thought...Sorry I am not quite sure what to tell you besides try just putting in the grow big in one container, and the big bloom in another with of course the correct ratio, water to nutrient. And see if both of them drift the same, maybe that will bring some insite...
I am glad to help, and I am hopfull that you will be back on course real soon...GL