Heat Stress? Too much water?


Well-Known Member
I just have these in dixie cups, I'm not planing on doing a full grow with these plants. They are to simply test out my setup to make sure ventilation is good, temps are good, etc... Doing this with ditch seeds before I plant my Pineapple Chunk seeds. The leaves just look weird to me... when they first sprouted the leafs looked very healthy... now they look like they are rippling in the center... like pruning like skin does under water too much. But I'm not watering them THAT much so I'm clueless.

- As for water schedule, I've given these 2 week old plants water about every 3-4 days. I stick my finger down in the soil and if it feels dry about 2 inches down I water them.
- Growing Medium - Basic Potting soil, miracle grow I think
- Growing Indoors
- Stage of growth... only about 2 weeks old or so.

I have these plants under CFL lights right now... the 23 watt ones or something like that... the 100 watt incandescent equivalent. It's just one light per plant right now since they are so small. I have a fan lightly blowing on them at all times the lights are on, which is 18-6... I've used a probe to test temps and right at the plant it says it is 74 degrees... ranges from about 70-76 right now. I've had the CFL lights as close as about 1 inch and right now they are about 2-3 inches away from the plant. I moved them back for fear that what was happening was heat stress. Could the leaf problem be from the nutes that miracle grow puts in the soil? Again, just looking to learn here, once I iron out some small problems I'm having I'm putting my pineapple chunk in a DWC hydro system using the same lights.

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Well-Known Member
Ok, cool... Just wanted to be sure that way I could fix a problem earlier rather than later. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm still not convinced this is normal... my gut is just telling me something is wrong... After looking at these pics if you guys think I should stop worrying then I will, it just doesn't look right to me... What do you think? See how the leaves are like twisting and curling?
photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
I just watered them yesterday, so that could explain why it got a LOT worse today... so in theory, if I just let this take its course and I stop overwatering them they should go back to normal within what, 5 days or so? I'm guessing the dixie cups aren't draining very well, lol, shocker, my last minute pot isn't working well.


How close is your light? I had an issue similar to this and believe it or not, i adjusted my lighting and she's the strongest growing plant i have now.


Active Member
Cfls can be verry hot to the touch, even when room temps are cool. An inch can be perfect for some cfls, and too hot for others.. I get cfl bulb burns all the time when vegging. It burns only where the bulb touches/rests on plant matter so its only aproblem when it burns tops or nodes.

I recommend you touch the cfl bulbs with a finger after its been on for a hour or so to see how hot they are, and raise the cfl atleast 1 more inch depending on heat. You need some room for growth!

For seedlings, (or clones) I use 1-26w cfl over each one and set it about 5 inches away. This allows some but not much stretching and gets the growth going. Week 3 I add more watts and keep the lights around 2 inches away.


Well-Known Member
They already look a lot better today... a lot of new growth... those particular leaves are still frail looking but the new ones are strong looking.


Active Member
They already look a lot better today... a lot of new growth... those particular leaves are still frail looking but the new ones are strong looking.
i wouldnt worry too much. they are probably saying transplant me real soon. also do you have drainage holes at the bottom? that could be a huge problem. further bagseed can have genetic flaws so it may not be you at all. good thinking on your part...practice run first and then do the real deal. you have the makings of a good grower.


Well-Known Member
There are holes at the bottom, I can also see the roots running wild in there, about to come out the drain holes... This is probably meant for a new thread, but I figured I'd ask just for the hell of it. I'm attempting to germinate Pineapple Chunk seeds, and of the 5 I bought, I've already lost 2... One sprouted, but before the first set of leaves came it just stopped and died, the second seed looked like it wanted to pop open but never did, after 3 days I gently squeezed the seed and it was like puss inside... So now I'm on seeds 3 and 4 and these are germinating properly it looks like but going really slow. I've had these seeds for about 1 year, I kept them in a "dime" bag inside a tuperware container filled with rice. I have read about that online to keep the seeds from getting any moisture... Would I be having problems with these seeds because of the age? Could it just be that I got a couple bad seeds? Just curious because I've literally never had a seed not pop open before and it's kinda frustrating that the seeds you pay for don't pop open.


one of mine did that when i was using a MG medium.... changed it and over night it bounced right back... now standing tall with all the others