Heat Shields?


You know those heat shields that spread light & deflect heat?

How effective are they?

I have a 250w HPS system and the temp keeps creeping past 27c with the light all the way the top of the tent (2m) do you think with the shield i could move my light closer or its irrelevant?

The grow shop that sells them said that they really should recommend it as a must have for any grower, but i think thats more for light distribution than bringing temp down
(pic below)



High Time 420

Well-Known Member
You know those heat shields that spread light & deflect heat?

How effective are they?

I have a 250w HPS system and the temp keeps creeping past 27c with the light all the way the top of the tent (2m) do you think with the shield i could move my light closer or its irrelevant?

The grow shop that sells them said that they really should recommend it as a must have for any grower, but i think thats more for light distribution than bringing temp down
(pic below)

Having your light 2meters away is pointless,

I'd suggest just sorting your vent problems out, get a good in line fan and you will ot need to spreader.


Its fixes under the bulb, spreading light & heat

I have lots of negative pressure in my tent, so very good extraction, i get a decent intake, but i live in the same room as the plant, so the only way to have cold air coming through the intake is if i turn my heating off & freeze my nuts off

The plants are growing ok & not stretching too much, i just wanna get my light a bit closer

The tent is 2m tall, so with pots, the plants at the bottom, the carbon filter & extractor fan at the top, & the light of course, the light bulbs about 1.3m away from plants...

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Its fixes under the bulb, spreading light & heat

I have lots of negative pressure in my tent, so very good extraction, i get a decent intake, but i live in the same room as the plant, so the only way to have cold air coming through the intake is if i turn my heating off & freeze my nuts off

The plants are growing ok & not stretching too much, i just wanna get my light a bit closer

The tent is 2m tall, so with pots, the plants at the bottom, the carbon filter & extractor fan at the top, & the light of course, the light bulbs about 1.3m away from plants...

Well you extraction cannot be that good if your temps are still high!

What type of fan are you using to extreact and what is the wattage of it?


Its an RVK100 extractor, its definately sucking lots of hot air out as the air coming out the extraction is still warm & i got lots of negative pressure on the tent sides.

Small tent though - 75x75x200cm with a 250wHPS

The temps are 24-26c when the bulbs at the top, but if i move it closer i come into 27-29c, i don't really wanna hit 29c as i heard it stunts growth if it stays at 29c for a while

I think the problem im having is my room temp is already at 20-26, so i can extract all day long but the air being taken in is gonna still be warm to begin with so no cool air is coming in, just slightly cool-er air.


Well-Known Member
You nailed it, that's exactly what your problem is. You can't get any lower with your ambient temps that high.


Well-Known Member
Hook up the intake fan to some ducting and put the one end of the ducting near a slightly opened window
That would help draw cool air into the tent


Hook up the intake fan to some ducting and put the one end of the ducting near a slightly opened window
That would help draw cool air into the tent
The thing is my intake fan is very low output (or input! lol) and i had long ducting on it, but i felt the long bendy ducting was restricting air flow so i chopped it short!

Ill make sure to at least lay the ducting on the floor, as i always have a breeze coming along my floor & its freezing here at the mo (-1c outside)

My plant is growing 2-4cm everyday few days & i got a new set of leaves every couple of days aswell, so its not that bad, hopefully ths heat shield will help me move a little bit closer aswell...

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
How can ur temps be so high with a 250w in a 750x750 tent?

My temps inside a 600x600 tent without my inline fan off is 28, thats using a 250w MH too. I am in a cold climate with the hood at 10 inch

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I think its time to turn your heat down and put on a hoody dude....

Just wear warm clothes and keep your house colder.... its worth it.


Well-Known Member
How can ur temps be so high with a 250w in a 750x750 tent?

My temps inside a 600x600 tent without my inline fan off is 28, thats using a 250w MH too. I am in a cold climate with the hood at 10 inch
His ambient temp is already 20-26C, so it's actually only a few degrees hotter under the lights. You can't get below ambient temp without some sort of extra cooling. Fans will only move the air around, maybe cool it a couple of degrees.


How can ur temps be so high with a 250w in a 750x750 tent?

My temps inside a 600x600 tent without my inline fan off is 28, thats using a 250w MH too. I am in a cold climate with the hood at 10 inch
75cmx75cm ;)
750x750 i wish! :cry:
Unless your talking millimteres?

Im gonna do as shrubs says, get the hoody on & wrap up warm.

I get a breeze coming in & its snowing, so perfect, only thing is i think i got an infestation, if any of you guys could check out my 'White specks' thread in Plant Problems, id really appreciate it...

Merry Growing


Active Member
i have one of those heat shields on my bulb. It doesn't so much help with heat in the grow space but it does let you bring your light closer to your plants without burning them. It spreads the heat out, but that heat is still in your grow space.