heat question


Well-Known Member
Where is the best place to put the thermometer on the wall? is it half way up the way of halfway between the light and plant? or on the soil? i dont know if the temperature is supposed to be ambient air temperature or what the temperature right at the soil is. I have mine on the box fan like 1 1/2 feet off the ground but thats like right at the height of my light, but anyways the temperatures range from 75 light off to 83-88 with the light. oh yeah and they are about 6 days old now and about 1-2 inches each. when i find my camera im going to start a journal.


Active Member
put the thermometer in the middle of your grow area (-) "-"beeing the thermometer

how many you got planted?


Well-Known Member
4 plants, wanted 6 and then hopefully could keep 4 for flower but some of the germed seeds dired out before i checked on them and didnt root.

ok so i dont need to worry about if the light is directly on it or not. i am asking this primarily because the temps are pretty high already and when the light goes up higher the light will shine on it and make it way hotter, so do i need to move it up out of the light or always have it in the light?